Page 75 of A Glimpse of Music

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Nyana’s mouth twitched in amusement. What a strange pair they made. But they seemed to work. Quite well, too.

And she appreciated Skaja’s considerate question as if she innately knew Nyana wanted nothing to do with the palace.

But she needed to face her fears and her past to move on. “The room overlooking the courtyard is fine.” Liam had never bothered her in there. It had usually been filled with other women of the court during her residency. She had spent a lot of time there.

As they made their way toward the palace, Calle threw an arm around Joel’s shoulders. “So, you and the Shadow Lord, huh? The two of you make an interesting vigilante pair.”

Joel snorted and elbowed him in the ribs. “Not what happened. We’ll explain when there aren’t quite so many ears around to hear.”

Peeking over her shoulder, Nyana found two harpies following behind the four of them at a distance. Several more harpies were stationed in the hallway. So many eyes. Always watching. Always listening.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before wrapping her hands around Joel’s arm to seek his steady comfort. It put her close enough to Calle for discomfort, but she needed Joel more than she needed the space.

Only when they reached the large room overlooking a square courtyard did the tension in her shoulders ebb. She released Joel’s arm and sauntered about the room to inspect the large windows. She turned in a circle to stare up at the high ceiling. Plenty of light filled the room. Lots of light and space and several exits should she feel trapped.

But as she turned back toward the others, the clamminess of anxiety chilled her hands. Once again, she wanted to flee, if only to never break Calle’s heart as she was about to do now.

She sat in a comfortable, red velvet armchair beside a window, and the other three joined her. A circular table separated her and Joel from Calle and Skaja.

Two harpies stood guard at the door, but Calle waved his hand to dismiss them. One bowed at the waist and backed out of the room. The other guard lingered.

“Your Highness,” the guard said, glancing between the four of them, “will all due respect, someone should stay.”

He gestured to Skaja with both eyebrows raised. “Skaja may be my fiancée and your future queen, but I’m safer with her than anyone else.” The valkyrie’s mouth twitched as if she fought back a grin. “I’m in good hands.”

The guard nodded reluctantly as he left. Calle rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. “I miss the several months of freedom I had before becoming King. I’m not fond of my constant shadows.”

Nyana chuckled, though nervousness lined the sound like a ring of sunlight encircling a dark storm cloud. “Just imagine if those shadows wouldn’t allow you to leave the palace. Your situation could be worse.”

He grimaced apologetically. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Several moments of awkward silence fell upon the room before Skaja, of all people, cut in. “Is this meeting about the thugs you sent, Joel? Or something else?”

Joel shrugged. “Both? This isn’t my meeting.” He squeezed Nyana’s hand. “It’s hers.”

Despite the calm facade she attempted, her hands still shook. She held tighter to her husband’s hand and hid them in her lap.

She was terrified.

But if she could make it through the easy part, perhaps she could make it through the hard part as well.

“Those men have been harassing me and the girls,” she began, watching as Calle’s expression fell and his jaw clenched at the news. “They grew bolder and followed the four of us into the forest on our way to visit my father.” She stopped, her free hand reflexively touching her neck.

“What did they do?” Calle growled.

The words died on her tongue. Horrifying memories fought for dominance in her mind.

Thankfully, Joel answered for her. “Strung her up on a rope and attempted to hang her for her association with Liam. They had planned to kill the girls next.” He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I don’t know what you can do, Calle. But they’re a danger to our family.”

Skaja snapped open one of her folded daggers as her lip curled into a snarl. “I’ll kill them.” But when she attempted to stand, Calle pushed her back into her chair.

“They’ll be put on trial,” he emphasized, squeezing her shoulder. Yet, a murderous look echoed in his own eyes despite his outwardly calm appearance. “But threatening the king’s own family will not go well for them.”


Yes, that’s what they were. But it went far deeper than either Skaja or Calle realized. How would they react to the news?

Nerves tumbled in her stomach, and as she stared into her lap, she debated leaving the castle entirely. Calle didn’t need to know. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. But once she spoke those words, she could never take them back.
