Page 77 of A Glimpse of Music

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A teasing grin lifted on his lips. “You’re not with child, are you?”

“Ha-ha.” She pinched his side and darted away before he managed to retaliate. Yet, he caught her around the waist and nuzzled her neck with his nose until she laughed. She attempted to push him away, but he only held on tighter and tickled her sides until she shrieked with laughter. “It’s too soon to know.”

“But wasn’t it you who said with your luck, it would happen immediately?” Another teasing smile. He always knew how to lighten her burdens so effortlessly. She was grateful.

“I did.” Soft hair brushed against her fingers as she placed her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down for a sweet, tender kiss. A breathy whisper caressed his mouth when she spoke again. “I wouldn’t mind if luck was on our side this time around.”

Her stomach flipped pleasantly at the thought of a bright future with Joel. Good health. Sunshine. Maisy and Eva and more children of their own.

“I think we’ve left the girls with Lyyli long enough.” Joel gave her a brief kiss and led her by the hand toward the exit. Relief burst through her when they escaped the confines of the palace. And as if noticing her worry, he added, “Don’t worry. Calle will come around soon where the children are concerned.”

“Technically, it’s only Maisy.”

“True. But how could anyone resist Eva’s charm? Before you know it, they’ll both be calling him Papa Calle.”

She bit her lip, glancing at him in search of displeasure or unease. She didn’t find it. “Does that bother you?” And still, she refused to tell Maisy the truth unless Calle decided to claim her as his own daughter. She knew firsthand how it felt to be rejected by a father, and she wanted to protect Maisy from that pain.

He shrugged one shoulder, absently fingering his flute tied to his belt. “I won’t lie. This is a strange dynamic. But we’ll all find our place. I’ll be whatever you need me to be. We’ll make this work.”

His confidence eased her worries. But just how long would it take Calle to come around?

Chapter 21

For the rest of the day and well into the next morning, Nyana chewed her nails until nothing remained. No word from Calle. No sign of Skaja. No guards. No letters. Nothing. And for the dozenth time, she glanced toward the stairs. Maisy and Eva played with dolls in their room.

The back door squealed open, startling her into dropping the plate in her hands.

It shattered against the floor.

Joel paused in the doorway, and part of her waited for him to yell at her. He didn’t. Rather, he gave her a sympathetic smile before closing the door between the warmth of their home and the cold draft outside.

“Nerves?” he asked softly as he pulled the knitted hat off his head and hung up his coat. Next, he kicked off his boots.

She nodded and stooped to pick up the broken pieces. Joel promptly crouched down to help. “I’m sorry about the plate.”

“It’s nothing. We’ll have to leave them anyway when we leave for Ebriel.”


A nervous tremor slid down her spine as she sat back on her heels. “What if Calle keeps Maisy here? I can’t leave her. I can’t.”

Releasing a long breath, Joel placed his hands on her arms and squeezed. “I suppose his silence hasn’t helped ease your worries.” When she shook her head, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her nose, each cheek, and pecked her lips. But then his green eyes danced with that playful, teasing mirth she’d come to recognize and love. “I wanted to show you something.”

They climbed to their feet, and he pulled his shirt over his head. “I’m ecstatic about my first gold tattoo.” Her mouth went dry at the sight of the muscles hiding underneath his shirt. Her gaze roamed up the defined abdominal muscles, over his chest, and across his arms. Laboring in an orchard truly did wonderful things for his appearance.

He grinned as he turned in a full circle. “What do you think?”

“Huh?” She pulled her gaze away to look into his mischievous eyes. “I’m not sure I can think at all when you walk around without a shirt.” But then she spotted the gold on his right shoulder where Ethan’s bolt had struck him. Her heart lurched as her fingers caressed the shimmer of gold lettering on his skin. It spelled “family” in the Heulwen language.

“Oh, Joel.” She traced each elegant letter, his skin smooth beneath her touch. “I hate how you got this. But I’m so proud and grateful for you.”


Joel had always been family. Ever since the day they’d met in the orchard. She loved him so dearly and couldn’t imagine her life without him.

Knock knock.

Both Joel and Nyana froze as they stared at each other, wide-eyed. She desperately hoped it wasn’t Calle. At the same time, she hoped it was.
