Page 80 of A Glimpse of Music

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He studied the valkyrie curiously. Taut wings. Hunched shoulders. Pinched mouth. From what Calle had told him, Skaja never had a relationship before him. Calle was her first and only love. And from the looks of it, she was insecure about her place in his life.

In the front room near the door, Maisy now lay on her stomach while drawing on parchment. Her hum filled the momentary silence in the kitchen.

Finally, he gestured to his best friend, still speaking to Nyana. “I have known Calle for a long time. He’s serious about you. Constantly talks about you. You can see every emotion on his face. He loves you more than anything. Perhaps it’s not fair to give him so little credit.”

Her mouth relaxed, her wings drooping. “You’re right. I’m constantly doubting him, doubting our relationship. This isn’t easy for me. I’m trying.”

“I’m sure it can’t be easy going from valkyrie to queen and being married to a man.”

She shook her head, shoulder leaning against the window frame. “I miss my valkyrie sisters. I hardly know anyone here in Heulwen. I’m sacrificing so much for Calle. Maybe that’s why I’m terrified he’ll throw it all away for…” Another shrug as she gestured toward Nyana outside.

Never in his life had he imagined Skaja, of all people, would open up to him, and with so much vulnerability. She truly had no one else to turn to if that was the case. “He won’t. And Skaja? You don’t have to be the only one to sacrifice. To give up who you are. Love doesn’t work like that.”

“He’s sacrificing for the kingdom.”

“It’s not the same. What can he sacrifice for you?”

Little Eva poked her head around the doorway, staring curiously at Skaja while the valkyrie remained silent as if deep in thought.

She finally answered. “I’m a harpy. A valkyrie. I need to train and fight and spar. And I need more freedom. I want to be able to visit my sisters.”

“Then you need to tell Calle. I’m sure you two can compromise.”

“You can train me!” Maisy shouted from the other room. “I want to learn how to fight. Just like you.”

Both Joel and Skaja snorted at the same time before she said, “Calle would be livid. I’m not sure Nyana would fare any better. But I’m willing to risk their wrath.”

Joel simply shrugged. Maisy had taken an interest in horseback riding, weapons, and building fires. He had no qualms about her learning to fight and handle herself if she wished it.

Eva moved closer, Skaja now watching her. Slowly, she reached out to touch Skaja’s feathers, her green eyes wide in wonder. “Are you a bird?” she whispered, though it sounded more like “boowd.”

The skin around Skaja’s eyes crinkled in amusement before she laughed and knelt on one knee to give Eva better access to her wings. “I’m a harpy.”

The beaming smile Eva gave Skaja surprised Joel, followed by a warmth in his chest. This was a strange, mixed family, but they were all family nonetheless. And no matter everyone’s fears or worries, it would all work out in the end.

Chapter 22

“I don’t remember the ballroom being so beautiful,” Nyana breathed, turning in a full circle to take in the spacious room filled with several hundred people. Gold climbed magnificent pillars that stretched from floor to ceiling. An enormous gold chandelier hung in the middle of the room, sparkling with a thousand facets of glass. On the floor directly beneath the chandelier highlighted the intricate floorwork made of glass tiles from colors ranging from silver to bronze to gold, depicting gorgeous abstract images.

She stood directly on an abstract silver star, taking in the scents of perfume and baked goods. Every color imaginable twirled with skirts, vests, cravats, and more. Fae of all varieties had attended Calle’s and Skaja’s wedding. Sun Fae. Forest Fae. Ocean Fae. Shadow Fae.

Oh, and valkyries. At least six valkyries stood within view, each wearing leather, feathers, weapons, and a serious expression.

Across the room, Lyyli waved to them, where she stood beside Killian in the line to pay respects to the new, extremely happy couple. Calle and Skaja smiled constantly, enough to surely make their cheeks ache by morning. They often gazed at each other with immense love in their eyes, as if no one else existed in the room.

Maisy and Eva broke away from them the moment they spotted the happy couple. “Papa Calle! Papa Calle!” Maisy shouted, dodging around legs, skirts, and cutting in front of the line until she threw her arms around her father’s neck while Eva hugged Skaja around the leg.

Nyana’s heart warmed at the visible love in Calle’s expression for the daughter he’d only found out about recently. Joel and Nyana had decided to postpone their move back to Ebriel for a month to give Calle more time with their daughter.

She didn’t regret it.

Joel wrapped his arm around her waist, and she laughed as he whisked her away to the middle of the dance floor. He spun her in several circles and dipped her low enough for her shawl to brush the ground.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that?” he chuckled, pulling her close as they danced across the floor. “Every ball, I tortured myself by watching other men dance with you.”

“And you never asked me to dance yourself?”

A sigh escaped his mouth, and he shook his head somberly. “I know. I am an idiot.”
