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I suppose there are a lot of things to feel pride about as a girl grows up. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect cock sucking skills to be on that list.

Well, it’s on my list.

As my lips slide down Daddy’s cock, all of my experience with the old boyfriend comes back to me. That, added to the tips and tricks I found online has a pretty dramatic effect. I feel my stepfather’s tenseness just disappear. It’s like it builds to a big crescendo and then just goes away.


He’s given up the fight and given in to what he wants and what he needs. I guess I feel pretty damned powerful knowing my tongue and my lips have a lot to do with that. Of course, there’s more involved, too. My hand moves over his abdomen and up along his chest. I graze his nipple with my nails. The tips blog says the caresses make it clear it’s a romantic thing and not a chore to me. My other hand slides up Daddy’s thigh to his balls and I caress them as well. I occasionally let a finger down to gently stroke at his perineum, which the tips say can really make it great for him.

And, of course, there’s the tip that doesn’t take any real work from me at all. The blogs all tell me to act as if I enjoy it. They say to go about the blowjob with gusto. They tell me to make the man feel like there’s nothing in the world I can even imagine doing I will enjoy more than this. I need to moan. I need to make hungry noises. I need to sigh. I need to make it affectionate and show I’m almost desperate for his cock.

Since all of that describes exactly how I feel, I don’t have to think about it at all.

I mean, I don’t remember believing I like the taste of my boyfriend’s cock but as my lips move and I keep my tongue moving as well, I’m pretty sure there is nothing I can even imagine I like better than the taste of Daddy. I make hungry noises without intending to. I moan without intending to because I’m so fucking turned on if not for needing my hands for Daddy’s upper body and his balls, my pussy would be getting a hell of a lot of action.

I don’t know if I’m just starting or if this blowjob is already ten minutes long. I don’t know because it’s just perfect and I’m lost in it. Although I can’t deepthroat as I want to because Daddy’s cock is too big, I do get him all the way to the opening of my throat and I enjoy the way his moans grow more plaintive. I’m on an upswing licking the tip when he says, “Jesus, princess, I’m going to cum!”

“Yes, Daddy!” I moan. It’s a wonder I don’t scream the words because the fact that I’m going to make him cum has my pussy right on the brink of orgasm. I think he intends what he says to warn me so I can take my mouth away because he gasps when I plunge as deep as I can and suck as firmly as I can as well. As he spurts, I swallow rapidly, just like the blogs say. It was the first time I swallow cum. In fact, it’s the first time a blowjob ends in my mouth. Despite all the blog warnings, I don’t find the taste horrible at all. What I know for sure is that Daddy’s pleasure thrills me.

I pull my mouth off, kiss the tip, and say, “Thank you, Daddy,” in a sweet voice.

“Jesus!” he breathes out.

“No,” I say. “I’m Sammy.”

He rolls his eyes and says, “Okay, princess. You want it, you got it.” I don’t know what he means but he grabs my shoulders suddenly, pulls me up, and roughly turns me so I’m on my back. I let out a moan because, for reasons I don’t understand, the manhandling really turns me on.

He moves and suddenly, he’s above me. “And now it’s your turn, baby girl,” he says.

“Oh, God, yes, Daddy!” I moan. I don’t know why but I instinctively wrap my legs around him. He looks surprised. I reach down and grab his cock. He’s still so slick from my mouth. I guide him to my pussy. He still looks a little shell-shocked but as I lift my hips with my legs, he thrusts forward.

Oh my God.

I’m not a virgin anymore.

I can’t tell you if the first thrust hurt. I can’t tell you if it felt good. All I can tell you is that I’m immediately flooded with emotion and I throw my arms around him and cry out, “Yes, Oh God, Daddy!”

As he moves and I feel his very large dick stretching my pussy, I realize all of my pent-up arousals from earlier haven’t faded at all. On the contrary, I’m already right on the verge of orgasm. “Daddy!” I cry again. I don’t have the slightest idea what I’m doing, of course, but I claw at Daddy’s back and I pull myself up to meet each of his thrusts. I don’t have the assistance of any online research for sex but I don’t think it matters. My body seems to know what to do instinctively. At least, my body seems to know what to do for me. From Daddy’s moans, I think it works for him, too.

All of the enthusiasm displays are there, too. I moan. I cry out. I sigh. All of it just happens without any intention on my part. I move and hold him and I feel myself careening over the edge. “Daddy, I’m going to cum!” I cry.

“Cum for me, Sweetheart,” he growls and it’s strange because it’s like the tone of his growl slams into me hard as I cum.

I scream, “Daddy!” Actually, the scream is a bit unintelligible so who the hell knows if he understands it. He can’t misunderstand the way I move frantically below him, slamming myself up against him as pleasure rockets through my body. He can’t miss the way I hold him and my fingers almost bore into his back.

He can’t last long, either. I guess I’m still immature enough to feel a big thrill when he says, “Jesus, I’m gonna cum again.”

“Yes, Daddy! Oh God, yes, Daddy! Cum, Daddy!” I cry.

I think he intends to pull out but my legs are locked in place around him and I don’t slow my movements. He groans and empties himself in me and I keep moving for a minute or two before I just can’t move at all anymore, so overpowered by the sensations within me. With his weight atop me, I hold him tightly and kiss his neck and his shoulders. Finally, I whisper, “I love you, Daddy.”

I don’t know what I expect him to say but I’m surprised as hell when he replies, “I love you, too, princess.”

About fifteen minutes later, I’m surprised again when we’re in the shower together and it’s the most erotic and beautiful thing just to rub lather over his body and to have him do the same. As we dry off, he says, “You know, Sammy, when I said it was your turn, I meant I was going to go down on you.”

I blush and say, “Nobody’s ever done that for me before.”
