Page 7 of Venice

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I smooth my hands down the front of my white cotton shift. “You’ve told me your names. You’ve let me see your face. Does this mean you’re going to kill me after you get what you want?”

“What? No, of course not. We’re not killers.”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll report you for kidnapping and turn you in to the police?” I ball my hands into fists.

He shakes his head. “My friends think you will try, but I don’t.”

“And why is that?”

He cocks his head and licks his delicious lips. “I’m a good judge of character, and there’s something different about you, Diva. I believe you’ll understand why we’re doing this if I am able to explain it properly, and I even believe you will eventually agree with us.”

“Why not just talk to me over a nice candlelit dinner instead then? You could have asked me out, taken me to a restaurant and had a conversation with me, but now . . .” I raise my legs and shake the chains. “How can I ever trust you?”

He shakes his head, and my eyes follow the waves of his hair as strands cascade over an eye. I want to reach up and brush them out. He’s a kind soul, I can tell this, and I have impeccable intuition. “I don’t know, but I hope you can.”

“And what if your convincing plan doesn’t work, and I threaten to turn you in anyway?”

He raises his head and grins. “Then we’ll offer you an obscene amount of money you won’t be able to refuse.”

Chapter Seven


Emilio knocks three times on the door, and I open it, expecting him to look distraught. I know he’s not on board with this even though he’s playing the part because we are family and support each other. But no, the fucker is beaming. He looks radiant, almost as if he’s jammed a claw into a light socket.

“What happened down there, man?” I close and lock the door behind him.

Luca takes the food tray, still mostly full of food, “Why didn’t she eat?”

“Vegetarian,” Emilio’s voice is different, and he has a faraway look in his eyes, which are not focusing on either one of us.

“Of course,” Luca retreats into the kitchen, and Emilio practically floats across the room to sit on the edge of our black leather sectional.

I follow and drop next to him. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was a vampire and has beguiled him. “Want to explain why you’re acting like a starstruck puppy?”

He shakes his head as if to clear it and offers me a lopsided grin. “I can’t explain it, Marcello. She’s amazing.” He turns his entire body toward me. “We should let her go.”

I shoot off the couch. She has beguiled him. I’ve known my pack mates for our entire lives, and I’ve never seen him act this way about anyone, ever. “You sound like you’re in love with her.”

“I may be.” His voice is distant, and he turns to stare out the window.

Oh hell no. I march into the kitchen and reach for the fresh plate in Luca’s hand as he turns to bring it out. “I’ll take it down to her. You watch the door. Keep Emilio away, you got it?”

“Fine.” He lets go of the plate. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

“I think she’s beguiled him or something.”

“Is she a vampire?”

I shake my head. “Not that I know of. I’m going to find out.” I barely glance at the plate as I make my way back to the basement door.

Emilio leaps off the couch when he sees Luca insert the key into the lock. “I’ll take the plate to her.”

I hold up my other hand. “You will stay here.”

He looks like I just punctured his balloon with my canines, and I’m tempted to pat him on the head. He really is acting like a castrated pup. Instead, I nod to Luca who puts his arm up to bar Emilio while he opens the door for me.

I will not let her enchant me. I set my jaw, narrow my eyes, and move through the second door, letting my anger take over.
