Page 19 of El Segador

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“Yep. She’s staying with me. Hadn’t planned on letting her sleep too much, but if you say she needs it, I’ll try to keep my hands to myself. Sometimes.”

I giggled. Fury just shot me an exasperated look. “Don’t encourage him,” he scolded. “You need sleep. And nourishment. I’m betting you’ve not been eating regularly, or food high in calories or protein.”

“I eat when I’m hungry. I’ve been worried, and I can’t eat when I’m stressed.”

“Something else that stops now,” Reaper said. “I’m officially making it against the rules for you to stress over anything. You leave the stressing to me.”

“Right,” Noelle said, grinning at me. “Honey, you’ve got your hands full with this one.”

“Tell me about it,” I muttered, but I smiled just the same.

Fury rolled his eyes. “That will do for now, I suppose. I’m giving Reaper your medicine and some vitamin supplements I want you to try to take. You need your strength and, until Doc can put everything together, I think it best to just do supportive care.”

“I can live with that,” I agreed.

“Let me know if you need something stronger for pain. I don’t want you any more uncomfortable than you absolutely have to be. Don’t put it off until you’re hurting so bad it’s difficult to get on top of the pain. You hear me?”

“I got you.” I looked at Noelle. “Are all the men here so bossy?”

“Every single fucking one of them, honey. And they’ll all bully you like this. I think they get off on it.”

“Great,” I muttered, but spoiled the effect by giggling.

“Too bad,” Reaper said, turning and motioning for me to get on his back. “You’re just going to have to put up with it.”

I hopped up and wrapped my arms and legs around him. “Like it’s such a hardship.” I slapped his ass. “Hi Ho, Silver! Away!”

Noelle and Fury burst out laughing. Reaper just scowled at them before giving them the bird. “Just remember, I will tickle you ’til you pee. All I have to do is get you in the shower.”
