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I frowned.

Hayley growled again.

“Who the heck’s at the door this early?” I asked my furry friend. All she did was whine and snuggle into my side.

I got up and carried her with me.

When I looked through the peephole, I gasped. I unlocked the door. “Are you okay?”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Am I okay? Are you okay?”

I moved to the side and let her in. Hayley started wiggling and jiggling in my arms. “Ah, you want to see your grandma?” I asked and handed her off to Marianne.

“Oh, my gosh, Lexi,” Marianne said while getting her face licked off, “she is gorgeous.”

I giggled at the two of them. It was quite obvious they loved each other at first sight. “Come in and sit down. Do you want coffee?” I asked with a yawn.

I hadn’t stayed at Gigi and Beau’s very late. But trying to get to sleep had taken a while.

I kept thinking about Dad’s message and how he said Trey was a mess. I hoped they were looking after him, and giving him what he needed.

I’d noticed his hands would get shaky, but I hadn’t recognized any other signs of him detoxing when I was there.

Maybe I just hadn’t paid attention.

Anyway, I couldn’t have fallen asleep much before three o’clock. At least I got something, though.

From the look of it, Marianne hadn’t gotten any.

“No, no, I’m fine. Unless you want some?”

I shook my head and said, “No, but Hayley probably should go out. She’s still got a puppy sized bladder.”

Marianne grinned and set the puppy on the floor. “Gotcha. I’ll wait for you in here.”

I grabbed the pink leash and hooked Hayley up. When I opened the door, I was startled half to death. “Good grief.” I held my hand to my chest to stop my heart from dropping out.

“Hey, Lexi,” Isaac said with a huge smile, “I can take her out for you. Is it okay if we go for a little walk, too?”

“Uh, yeah, thanks a lot,” I said and handed over the leash.

They rushed off, and I wondered if the next thirty days were going to be like this.


It seemed like everyone here felt they had penance to do.

I’d think about that later.

I turned back to Marianne and sat down on the chair across from her. “How are you doing?”

Her eyes got all glassy. “How am I?” she asked with surprise. “How are you?”

I stared at her and gave it to her straight. “Pretty shitty.”

She blinked her eyes and nodded. “I bet. Is there something I can do? Please tell me there’s something I can do.”

I shrugged and shook my head. There’s nothing to do. Dad and Trey are the ones who need to do the work. There’s nothing for me to do.”
