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“Not bad, Hunter,” Jillian came up to me and hit my shoulder.

I grinned widely at her. “Yeah, a little later than I’d expected. I’ll try harder next time.”

She laughed at me. “I’ll try harder to get free. Good work.”

Three times.

Three friggin’ times I’d been wide friggin’ open, practically right in front of the net—and Gigi still wouldn’t pass to me.

I’d finally had enough.

After the last missed opportunity, I confronted her. “Am I invisible or something? Is there a reason you’re not passing it to me when I’m open?”

Gosh, if there was one thing I hated it was calling out another player’s shitty decisions.

Being on the ice could be nerve-wracking sometimes. Especially if we let the seeds of doubt or imperfection seep into our minds.

Far be it from me to call any player out on whatever might be going on with them on a certain day.

Gigi was a great player.

A really great player.

Definitely one of the best in our league.

She knew better.

What she was doing to me out here was purposeful.

“You didn’t have a clear shot,” she lied to me. And I knew she was lying because Gigi knew how to set up a good play better than anyone.

“Bullshit,” I said sharply back. “You’re mad at me, and you’re going to cost us the game because of it.”

She glared at me and leaned on her stick. “Are you saying I’d sacrifice the game because you hurt my friend? I would never do that and you know it.”

I leaned in and told her exactly what I thought, “What I’m saying is—” I took a deep breath, “you don’t know the whole story about what happened. You’re assuming you do. But trust me, Captain, you do not.”

I took another breath. “And what else I’m saying to you is—grow the fuck up. Whatever happens out there,” I pointed my arm out straight beside me, “has nothing to do with what happens on this ice. And if you can’t separate the two, maybe you need to go sit on the bench for a while and think about why you’re going to flush this game down the toilet.”

Her face completely changed, and she was definitely in shock.

I’d never spoken to her like that before.

“I can’t believe you’d say that to me.”

I tilted my head and bent slightly at the waist. “I can’t believe you’re putting your personal feelings before the team, Captain.”

I could tell I’d left her completely flabbergasted.

I felt a jab in my back. “What’s going on out here? The coach is losing her mind, can’t you hear her?” Jillian asked. I was glad for her interruption.

Gigi didn’t look like she’d have an epiphany any time soon.

It was time to get on with the game.

We turned our heads to see our coach almost purple-faced, having an absolute shitfit.

Her arms were waving madly. “Gigi, get your ass over here!” she out and out screamed.
