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Trey might not be my favorite person right now.

As in I wanted to kick him pretty hard in a lot of different places.

I wouldn’t.

Of course.

But I really wanted to do it all the same.

For the time being, at least, he was still my husband.

His secrets were mine—even if I’d watched him act like a total douche canoe on national television.

He'd always treated me well—aside from the lying and rubbing up against other women—and I wasn’t the type to dash and trash.

Besides, we’d had something.

It didn’t last long.

But still, it was something great while it lasted.

Trey had a problem that only he could address. It wasn’t my business. There was nothing I could do to make him stop traveling down the road he was currently on.

That was all up to him.

And, just because I’d bowed out before I watched him completely burn out and destroy himself—didn’t mean I wished him any harm.

Quite the opposite actually.

I really hoped Trey found the help he needed.

So, no, I wouldn’t be trashing my husband in the back of Lola Lopez’s limo. No matter how many martinis she gave me.

“I really can’t comment on anything, Ms. Lopez. I’m sure you understand what kind of position I’m in.”

Her eyes got wetter. Then she downed her martini in two seconds flat. “Lexi, you are one hundred percent class. And just so you know, there are no stupid cameras in this limo.” Her arms crossed in front of her chest then shot outward. The poor olives that were on the bottom flew directly into the window, then quickly bounced to the floor.

“You know Marco? My idiot ex-cohost?” She started making another drink for herself. “Well, he had the same problem that Trey has. But I stayed. Oh, man, did I stay. I was one hundred percent gullible. Let me tell you. I believed him time and time again.” She dumped in five more olives and took a long sip.

“God, and then the other women started shortly after. Those he blamed on being drunk, high, or all of the above.”

She emptied that glass and chewed on an olive. “Oh, Lola, I don’t even remember her,” Lola said, using her fingers for air quotes. “Oh, Lola, it’s just sex.”

I felt that one.

Right in the gut.

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Lopez. I had no idea.”

She shook her head. “You didn’t know because I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. Not a damn soul. Not my parents. Not a best friend. Nobody. I had to keep all that garbage bottled up or I’d ruin his reputation.”

My head and my eyes shot right to hers—probably a bit too quickly.

She nodded. “Yeah, sound familiar? You and me? Same boat, different guy.”

I sipped on my drink and felt my heart break for her. It sounded like she’d been through a lot with Marco.

A lot of what I was currently going through with Trey.
