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I glanced at the man on my left. He’d pulled his hair up into that godawful bun and located his glasses. He still had some pillow marks on his face. I could do nothing but stare at him as the golden hour of daybreak rested on his skin. I drank in the alpenglow, that precious first light of day, as it painted his cheeks the same rosy-gold color of a new day. He smiled into his tea, not turning his face, aware of my study of him I assumed.

“Have I ever told you how majestic you are with a sunrise tinting you pink and amber?”

“Just every morning, but don’t stop now. I like it when my stoic cowboy gets all poetic.” He puckered and blew over his tea. “I may be majestic but that is mind altering.” He jerked his scruffy chin at the mountains. I tore my sight from him to admire the Tetons. The reddish-yellow hues painting the peaks stood out in stark contrast to the blue sky. A few bright stars lingered on the edges, blinking softly as the sun climbed higher in the east.

“The views are equally beautiful.”

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re not too hard on the eyes either, cowpoke.”

I felt a slight blush climb up my neck. “I have no idea what to do now.”

“In terms of us or the situation here at the ranch?”

“The problems with the ranch. I have no questions or qualms about us. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You’re my warmth at night, my shade in the heat of day, and my dawn’s desire.” He turned his head to gaze at me. Our lips met, softly, just like the first song of a nearby pine warbler.

He tasted of honey rich tea and a glowing future.

The End
