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“I did say kind of.”

I tossed him a look, but he just continued to stare out at the rain, his features relaxed. The rain continued to fall as the storm moved on, the irate front chugging along like a violent freight train.

Will glanced my way and winked. I cocked an eyebrow. The fool then ran out into the deluge, face tipped up, arms open wide, and started jumping up and down in the new mud puddles. His shirt was soaked instantly. The soft cotton clung to his lean form and fuck did it look good. I really was trying to maintain a mental distance because I knew I was slipping from the crush stage into deeper feelings for Will. That scared me while exhilarating me. My emotions were a tumble. Like wet clothes in a dryer, they flopped over and over on each other, one feeling on top then another rolling over it. Watching the idiot out there in the rain stomping in puddles as if he were four years old, my heart soared with joy. Yet fifteen minutes ago, I had been furious at the man. If this was what falling in love was like, no wonder people threw themselves off cliffs or penned glowing sonnets to the color of an eye or the genteel arch of a brow.

“How old are you?” I shouted at Will. He hooted, kicked his heels together, and then peeled off that sodden bit of cotton. He whipped his shirt over his head. A huge laugh rolled out of me.

“How old are you?” he yelled back as the rain steadily fell.

I reflected on how he, and others, had said I acted like a man twice my age. Old soul. Right. Maybe scared soul. Removing my hat, I flung it at the beds then charged out into the rain. Will yelped in glee and pounced on me, tossing his arms around my neck, his chilly wet lips meeting mine in a kiss that was all teeth and tongue. With a grunt and a jerk, I twisted around, bringing him over my hip. He hit the ground with a teeth-jarring thud, his ass splashing in a huge puddle. Blue eyes widened in surprise. His dark lashes were spiked, his chin dripping rainwater, and he had never looked more appealing. I dropped to my knees in the puddle, sight locked with his, and he grabbed at me, his fingers biting into my shoulders. He pulled me down. I fell over him, rain coursing down my head, dripping from my nose to his cheek as I stared at the smiling man beneath me.

“Do it, Perry,” he said, his words nearly lost in the sound of the summer storm. “Let go.”

I sat back, knees on either side of his hips, and peeled my shirt off. Will’s face lit up. Then, because I was a love drunk fool, I teetered to the side and fell face first into the mud puddle. I heard Will’s shout of joy right before he scrabbled over me. We wrestled for a bit, neither of us able to get much purchase on each other’s wet skin. The play soon began to turn into something less rambunctious and youthful when he was spread out over me, trying his best to pin my arms over my head. Suddenly, all the fight left me when he shifted his hips upward for better leverage. His cock was hard, hot, and resting on my belly button.

My lips parted. His nostrils flared. My arms went slack, and his mouth crushed down over mine, his fingers weaving into and between my fingers. The kiss was incendiary, sloppy, and glorious. I bucked upward just as he slithered downward an inch or two. Our dicks rubbed together as his tongue rolled over mine. Rain beat down on us but was doing nothing to cool me. It was a wonder there wasn’t steam rising from us when the kiss broke.

“Fuck you are beautiful,” he groaned then took my lower lip between his teeth.

“Yeah…you too,” I managed to say as he ground against me. His hands clenched, pressing my knuckles into the muddy soil. Rain fell on us in a gentle, steady soaking as he lowered his mouth to mine again, licking in deep, rolling his hips all the while. My balls drew up quickly. “Stop, too close…fuck.”

“You really want me to stop?” he asked, his lips hovering a millimeter above mine. “I don’t want to stop. I want to make you come right here in this fucking mud puddle. I bet you never blew a nut in a mud puddle before.”

That made me snort in amusement. “Nope, I never have.”

His pupils had swallowed up that beautiful sky blue color. “Then let me be the first.” He dropped his head, captured my mouth, and began gyrating into me. I could have turned the tables easily enough. I was bigger than he was, weighed more, was stronger, but I lay there in that puddle, eyes drifting closed, as he brought me to the pinnacle and then carried me over. White hot sparks danced outward from my spine. I groaned into his mouth as the first wave of pleasure hit me. He grunted then buried his face in my neck, biting down where throat met shoulder. His body quaked as his orgasm rode him down. Rain splattered on my face, arms, and anywhere else Will’s lanky body wasn’t shielding. It had been years since I’d creamed my pants. He sucked hard on the bite mark as we twitched and spasmed, the clouds over us dumping much needed water on the grasslands.

His mouth moved over my chin. He rubbed his nose in my short beard. I could do nothing but lie there like a jellyfish washed ashore. Eyes closed, water racing down my face, skin dancing with delight, I turned my head just an inch. His lips brushed mine. I ran the tip of my tongue along the seam of his mouth. Will sighed then let me in. We made out languidly, uncaring of the downpour that was drenching us. His hands left mine then, finally, and he sat back, his gaze still smoky, his lips pink and swollen.

“You’re the hottest man I have ever been with,” he told me as he ran his hands over my chest. He flicked a nipple. A shudder ran through me, making my flesh pimple.

“You’re the only man I’ve ever been with,” I confessed as a warmth spread over my face. Will tipped his head, his mouth twisting into a quirky grin.

“I kind of assumed that.” He flattened his palms over my pecs. I waited for the teasing to start. Surely now that he knew I was a virgin, he’d rib me endlessly. “It’s really you. I like it. I want to teach you more.”

“Now?” I asked as the rain began to lessen.

“Give me ten minutes,” he cockily replied. Then that cheeky side of him faded off just for a second. “If you want me to teach you.”

“Yeah, I want that very much.” His smile was pure relief. His kiss was pure passion.

“Nice. I’ll teach you all about sexing it up and you teach me about dead Greeks.”

“Okay, sure.” I chased his mouth for another taste. Then another. And another. Right then, I didn’t care if we ever left that damn mud puddle.

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