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“Shut up,” I whispered to myself. I did scrounge up a packet of cheese and peanut butter crackers. My shelf in fridge number two was nearly as barren. A bottle of ketchup, a wilted green pepper, and two bottles of peach flavored seltzer water. That was it. As soon as I got paid, I’d have to make a run to Copper Falls for food. Some days I wished the ranch had a live-in cook but those days were long gone. Also, we weren’t poking along after cattle on a drive. Plus, as my mother liked to point out, we were all grown ass men. She’d made sure I knew the basics of cooking and doing laundry. It amazed me how many guys had no clue how to even poach an egg or whip up a tuna noodle casserole. I was no gourmet chef, but I’d never starve. Or have to wear the same underpants for a week as one fellow had done. Thank God that man was gone now.

Making my way past beds filled with snoring hands, I had to wonder how the local law was making out with the blowdown booty. Ceiling fans whirred quietly overhead, stirring up the cool night air slipping through the screens. I slid into my room, closed the door, pulled up a playlist on my phone, and sat down on my bed to eat. I never would have made that call to divert off our course like Will had done. Fuck but he had the heart of a fucking pirate or something. Always up for danger and adventure. Which made him my polar opposite. Fucking Will Abbott. Off right now trying to lure Paula into the hay mound. It pissed me off. And it hurt me deeply. I’d thought we had the start of something special and that I meant something to him. Guess I’d thought wrong. Seems all I’d been was an easy mouth and hand. The fucker. Using me like that then racing off to try to get in some chick’s panties. The next time I saw him, I was going to—

A soft scratching on my door ended my lethal thought. I shoved a cracker into my mouth, pulled on a tank top to hide the love marks peppering my chest, and cracked open my door.

There stood Will. I rolled a lip—which wasn’t easy with cracker crumbs slowing the roll—then shut the door in his face.

“That was ridiculously rude,” he whispered through the closed door. I chewed and swallowed. Peanut butter now stuck to my teeth.

“So are you. Fuck off, Romeo.”

“Do I detect a note of jealousy in your voice, Yellow Horse?” I said nothing because I had nothing to say, and the dickhead was right. I was jealous. Painfully so. Stupid self-esteem issues. “Perry, let me in or I’ll go from whispers and scratches to shouts and hammering.”

That gave me pause. He started humming the Jeopardy theme song. “Asshole,” I snarled before jerking the door open then pulling the cocksure scrotum through it. He stumbled in, caught himself from face planting by grabbing the corner of the dresser and flashed me that miserable stunning smile of his. The fucker could charm the pants off a donkey, as Kenruh said.

“Wow, sulking much?” He waved a hand at Garth Brooks flowing out of the phone in the charging base. “Who’s that singing?”

“It’s Go Back to Paula singing.” I folded my arms over my chest. His lips quirked up at the corners. Ugh. I pressed my lips together to keep myself from saying anything else weak and petty.

“I really want to torque you up a bit more, but I remember that beating you gave the ATV when it stalled out on you.”

“You should remember the split lip I gave you too.”

He reached up to touch his fully healed lip as if he could still feel the scab. “I do remember it, trust me. Given that you’re so damn smitten with me, I’ll give you a break. I broke things off with Paula.”

“What things? There were no things to break off. I distinctly heard her telling you to go lie down in front of a truck. And not a pickup truck but a semi,” I countered. The fool only chuckled, his gorgeous eyes twinkling.

“There might have been things. She looked at me in that way. The same way you look at me.”

“Oh, so she looked at you like you were a jackass with a massive ego and a little dick?”

“You never complained about the size of my dick when it was in your mouth out there at Lone Vale.” I rolled my eyes at the barn boards on the ceiling. That was my clever retort. Damn it, I wished I was quicker on my feet. He had me dead to rights. Unable to come up with something scathing and desperate to wipe that smug look from his face, I gave him a shove. He hit the wall with a soft thud. Hands latching onto his fat head, I smashed my mouth over his. His fingers carded into my hair. What little sanity I possessed disappeared. The kiss was not gentle in the least. It was nothing but a war for domination. Neither one of us won. When we came up for air, I rested my brow to his, my grip on his skull bordering on what had to be painful.

“You drive me fucking insane,” I confessed, his warm breaths mingling with mine. This manic feeling of being shoved out of a plane with no parachute had to be what Kenruh had been talking about. Will was my Louisa Milk, the first lover to whip me into a froth. Hell, my first lover period. Would there ever be another man to make me feel like Will did? He was working my zipper down, his hands deft and quick. “I want to knock you into next week with one breath then with the next I want to…oh fuck.”

His fingers had wrapped around my cock, his thumb gliding over my slit to gather up a drop of precum.

“I really want to fuck you,” he huffed as he worked my dick with sure, strong strokes. My eyes rolled back into my head, my balls drawing up at the thought of his cock in my ass. “You want that too, I know it. I recall you pleading for me to give you more than fingers when we were out at Lone Vale. You want my dick now, Yellow Horse? Want me to fuck you right here against the wall, my hand over your mouth, my balls slapping yours?” His speech was slurred with lust, the words edged with desire.

“Yes…” I gasped as I hovered on the edge of completion. He nipped at my lower lip, his breathing ragged.

“I want that too but not now. Not here.”

Fucker. Miserable, teasing fucker. I ground my mouth over his. He moaned into the possession, sucking on my tongue before breaking free then falling to his knees, my fingers sliding over his scalp.

“When we fuck, I want you to scream my name just like I’ll scream yours when you bury this thick cock deep into my ass.”

Hands splayed on the wall, I bit down on the inside of my cheek then let my head fall forward. He looked incredible, lips slowly spreading over my cock. I rocked forward to feed him more dick. His lashes fluttered as he took more and more and more. My dick slid down his throat. A whimper slipped out of me when he cradled my balls. Will pulled off, drew in a deep breath, and deep throated me again. I watched it all. Every wet slurp, every flicker of his tongue across my engorged head, every lick and lap. When he pressed a finger against my taint, my whole body convulsed. I took my bottom lip between my teeth as a powerful orgasm ripped me into shreds. Will groaned and gulped, cum leaking out of the corners of his mouth as I pumped furiously, the taste of copper on my tongue. He swallowed every drop, milking me dry with hands and mouth, then sat back on his heels, his chin wet with semen and sweat, his smile one of pure sin. Gazes locked, he licked his lips wantonly, freed his cock, and jerked himself as I watched through a hazy veil.

“I’m close,” he grunted after just a few tugs. “You want to finish me off?”

“Yeah.” He slid back up the wall, his mouth melting against mine as soon as his lips were within range. I lapped deep into his mouth, tasting myself, as I took his shaft in hand. He rutted into my fist, my tongue moving over his, then pumped a load into my palm. His fingers dug into my sides as I kept my lips sealed tightly over his. Seemed some dusty part of my brain had held onto the reality of people sleeping just on the other side of an old wall. With his body tight to mine and the smell of sex on the air, it was a wonder I could remember my name. I lost all reason with Will in my arms. Whether that was good or bad, I honestly didn’t know.

“Sexy bastard,” he purred when I moved from his mouth to his throat, the rasp of his whiskers against my tender lips was erotic as all hell. “You make me crazy too.” I lifted my head, my gaze grabbing his. He was still heavily lidded, his pupils blown. He dug his fingertips into my ribs. “What does it mean when two men drive each other insane?”

I shook my head, unwilling to speak the words taking up residence in my heart. Kenruh had let his first wild love get away then had married the next woman who had challenged him at every turn. Was that the lesson my grandfather had been trying to give me with that seemingly pointless story about Louisa Milk? Don’t blow your chance when love bowls you over? Or did he mean to wait? Hell, who knew. Kenruh liked to talk in mystical circles that made you work out shit yourself. Then again, he also simply liked to spin yarns and cram dirty jokes into your ear so…yeah, maybe I was overthinking. Or not thinking enough. Most people around here would say the latter. Yet as I stared into passion rich sky-blue eyes, I couldn’t help but think that perhaps sometimes it was best to follow your heart.

“It means that you and I are fishing this weekend.”
