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“Good man,” Kyle said. Shep threw him a filthy glare.

Morgan’s slimy smile withered. He shoved the envelope at the Native’s hand he’d arrived with. “Guess he does know his place. You give it to him, Great Bear.” Morgan leveled angry eyes at me. “I’m sure you need the cash in that envelope. It’s generous. Even Milton said so. Ain’t that right, Milt?”

A flash of something wicked darkened Milton’s eyes. Yet he nodded dully. “Very generous, boss. Take it, boy. Don’t be ignorant.”

I shook my head. Kyle slapped my shoulder. Will reached out to snap the envelope out of Milton Great Bear’s hand.

“You all can be noble if you want but I’m not proud,” Will said as he pocketed the cash and tapped his temple with two fingers. “Thank you kindly, Mr. McCrary. I’ll spend your cash well and wisely.” Will grabbed my arm and led me away from Morgan. Which was probably a wise move as I was this close to slugging the bigoted shitheap in the face.

“See that you stay away from that fire water when you’re out spending that reward, Yellow Horse,” Morgan called to us then brayed like the jackass he is.

Will tugged me along when I dug in my heels. Once we were inside the stable, I pulled free then got in his face.

“Why the hell did you take his money?!” I snapped.

“Because I happen to know that the Lead River Powwow Grounds need some handicapped accessible ramps.” He opened the envelope and whistled low and long. I peeked inside.

“Holy shit,” I whispered. There had to be at least two grand in hundreds inside that thick white envelope. My gaze met Will’s. He was counting cash now, his attention tight on those Benjamins. “You could buy some cool stuff with your half.”

His gaze met mine. “Oh, so now you want half. Five seconds ago, you were going to hit me in the balls for taking this.” He shook the envelope under my nose.

“I never mentioned your balls.” He sniggered then swiped his lips over mine. “How did you know about the ramps?”

“I have my ways.” He winked and held out the reward money. “Take it and give it to your mother. I bet if they hurry, they can get those ramps built in time for the fall gathering in two weeks.”

I pushed the money back to him. “You give it to her when you see her tomorrow.”

His finely made eyebrows shot up. “Your mom is coming fishing?”

“No, but she wants to make us some frybread tacos.”

“Damn. Okay, yeah, that sounds good. I love tacos.”

It nearly slipped out that I thought I loved him. I kissed him on the mouth instead.
