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He pushed his chair back.

“Don’t go there. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.” A smile tugged at Trent’s mouth.

“You keep thinking that, Trent, and I won’t tell anyone the truth.” Gray picked up his cupcake. He’d forgotten how enjoyable evenings with his family could be.

By the time they walked back into Kiera’s apartment, it was past midnight. She’d been apprehensive about the dinner, but she’d enjoyed the entire evening. There had been a few embarrassing moments, but nothing life-ending. The only downside of the evening stemmed from sharing Gray with his family because he’d be leaving tomorrow.

“You and Addie hit it off.” Gray hung up their jackets in the closet.

“I like her. Oh, and the baby is due in June. I asked Addie.”

“I know. I asked Trent, and then wished I hadn’t. Once Trent got going, he wouldn’t shut up. Excited doesn’t come close to describing his current state.”

“I picture you that way someday too.”

“Probably, but if I get as annoying as my brother hit me or something.”

Don’t read too much into that statement. They’d been friends for a long time before their relationship took its current course. They’d remain friends if and when it ended so his comment made sense.

“Will do.” Kiera leaned against the couch. “When are you leaving?”

“If I was smart, I’d head to the airport now, but I’ll leave later this morning. My flight crew is expecting me at the airport around eleven.”

Kiera didn’t need a mirror to know she’d frowned.

“I’ll make this a short trip. I promise.”

Even if he spent a day or two in Cozumel, he’d still return to New York afterward, not Providence.

“I have work all week to keep me busy.”

“If you don’t like the idea say so, but I thought I’d stay here until I need to leave.”

“I hoped you would, but wouldn’t it be easier if you stayed in the city? It’s closer to the airport.”

Gray put his arms around her. “It’s not that much closer, and in the city, I wouldn’t have you.”

His comment captured another piece of her heart. At the rate they were going, he’d possess the whole thing in another week.

Chapter 7

“I’ll be right down, Mom.” Kiera grabbed her jacket from the closet, and then checked her phone. More than a week had passed since Gray had flown to Cozumel. While away, he’d called almost everyday but always at a different hour. His last call had been Tuesday. He did send her a dozen roses yesterday with a note that said, Miss you. She’d hoped a call would’ve followed, but, instead, he’d sent her a text message that said, Thinking of you; see you soon.

How soon? When he made it back four weekends in a row, she’d assumed he?

?d make it back every weekend.

She’d thought about calling him yesterday, but in the end, decided against it. She didn’t want to call when he was in a meeting or asleep. She could have sent him a text message, but she wanted to hear his voice, not just read his words.

Kiera slipped the phone into her purse and pulled on her jacket. As much as she wanted to hear from Gray, she hoped he didn’t call in the next few hours. She had shopping plans with her mom that afternoon.

“I’ve got the perfect idea for your dad’s gift.” Her mom drove away from the apartment complex and turned onto River Road.

“You told me you didn’t know what to get him.” Kiera certainly had no clues, but maybe her mom’s idea would give her some.

“I didn’t until yesterday. Your father started looking at old family vacation photos last night, and he kept bringing up how much fun we had. Then his cousin called. Bernard and his wife are going on a cruise. Your dad has always wanted to go on a cruise, so I thought the three of us could go on one together.”

“That sounds like a great idea for the two of you.” She loved her parents, but a family vacation at her age? The idea didn’t thrill her.
