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“When I worked on The Hill for Senator Healey. We both attended a party at the Russian embassy.”

“My uncle throws excellent parties,” Nadia said.

“He does. I thought you were in Boston this week, Gray?” Sara gave him the same glare his Aunt Elizabeth had used on him when he’d spent the night at Cliff House and had done something he shouldn’t have. If Sara had children someday and used that glare on them, they were in serious trouble.

“Sudden change in plans.”

“I can see that,” Sara said, one eyebrow raised.

“I’ve been working on a new hotel project in Moscow. Nadia’s family owns the land that we want to build on.”

Sara considered his words, and he held his breath. The way Nadia sat pressed against him looked bad. Judging by Sara’s comments and they way she glared at him, she’d seen pictures of him and Kiera online today. Normally, Sara was great at keeping secrets, but in this case she might feel it was her responsibility to tell Kiera what she’d seen tonight. Well, thought she’d seen because there wasn’t anything going on between Nadia and him. If not for his damn mission, he would still be with Kiera.

“I thought you handled projects in Europe mostly. Didn’t you take over Trent’s position?” Sara asked.

“Normally, but since I already know Nadia, this project got passed to me.”

“Familiarity does make working together easier sometimes. In can also complicate situations,” Sara said.

“How long are you staying in California?” Christopher asked.

“Not long.”

“If you have time, stop up and see us. Sara, let’s go get those drinks.”

“I need one, too. I’ll join you.” Gray moved from behind the table. “Can I get you one, Nadia?”

Nadia picked up her cocktail glass and finished the blue liquid inside. “Sure. Surprise me.”

“Be right back.”

Gray walked alongside his cousin and waited until they placed their orders at the bar to speak.

“Out with it, Sara. I know what you’re thinking, but this is really only business.”

Sara leaned an elbow on the bar. “Gray, why do you care what I’m thinking? I’m not your mother or your girlfriend. You can sleep with whoever you want.” The bartender handed Sara her drink. “Kiera might care, though. She strikes me as the type who would. Maybe you should stop seeing her before you sleep with Nadia.”

“Nadia and I are not sleeping together.”

“Sure, you’re not. Like I said Gray, it’s not my problem.”

Gray glanced at Christopher, hoping for some help, but Christopher gave him a you’re-on-your-own look and took a sip of his drink.

“We’re here to discuss business, Sara. I plan to leave alone.”


; “Business at a party like this? Wearing a dress like that? I don’t think so.” Sara sipped her drink. “Don’t worry, cuz. I’ll keep your secret, but consider ending things with Kiera. She’s not like the women you normally date. She’s more like me. She won’t be willing to share you with the Nadias or Nikki Reeses of the world.”

Gray didn’t argue. He could stand there all day and tell Sara he wasn’t messing around with Nadia and she’d not accept it. At least she’d promised not to say anything to Kiera. She would keep her word.

Now, if he could conclude this business meeting, he’d be on his way back to his hotel room alone. Gray picked up the two drinks he’d ordered and carried them back to the table and Nadia.

“What took you so long? I was getting ready to come look for you.”

That was the last thing he needed. “The bar was busy.” He tried to keep space between them when he sat, but Nadia slid closer.

“So your signal said there were new developments?”
