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“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking my brother back,” Trent said from across the table. “I was starting to think I’d have to shoot him and put him out of his misery.”

“Shut up, Trent,” Gray said.

“It’s the truth, and you know it.” Trent looked at their brother, Derek. “You should have seen him. He was worse than Alec was when he found his gerbil was dead, and you remember what that was like.”

Why had he agreed to this family dinner?

“Be nice. Both your dad and Abby and Kiera’s parents are on their way up.” Addie walked past the kitchen on her way to answer the door.

“I don’t know how your wife puts up with you.” Gray stood so that he could greet Kiera’s parents.

Trent clapped him on the back as he followed his wife. “The same way Kiera puts up with you.” Trent turned his sights on Kiera. “If he gives you any trouble let me know. I’ll take care of him for you.” With that comment, he left to greet his guests.

Gray and Kiera joined everyone else in the foyer. Once greetings were exchanged, Trent escorted everyone into the dining room while Addie served dinner.

Once Addie sat with them, his father cleared his throat. “Before we eat, I’d like to say a few things.” All eyes at the table turned in his dad’s direction. “The past several months have been wonderful. First, I learned I was going to be a grandfather, and then Addie rescued Trent by marrying him.” His dad looked at Trent. “Sorry, son, but most of these wrinkles have your name on them.”

His dad then looked at him. “The great year continued when Gray called me yesterday to tell me about his engagement. Congratulations to both of you. Welcome to the family, Kiera.” His dad raised his wine glass.

Gray noticed the blush climbing up Kiera’s cheeks, and he squeezed her hand.

“I hope you know what you’re getting into by joining this family,” Derek said with amusement.

Kiera squeezed Gray hand as she answered his brother. “I know all the secrets, don’t worry.”

Dinner progressed after that and the conversation moved onto other topics. Gray joined in a little, but preferred to think about what he’d do to Kiera once he was alone with her.

“Have any of you talked to Allison?” Derek’s question caught his attention—or, more specifically, the worry in his brother’s voice did.

“Not in a couple weeks,” Gray answered.

“Same goes for me,” Trent answered as he helped himself to more dessert.

“I spoke with her yesterday, why?” his dad asked.

Derek leaned forward. “Did she sound upset to you?”

“She sounded fine to me. She told me she loved working for the Falmouth Foundation and living in Virginia. Do you think something is wrong? Did she say something different to you?”

For as long as Gray remembered, Derek and Allison had shared some kind of strange twin vibe. They always knew when something bothered the other even when they were far apart.

“Allison said the same thing to me, but she didn’t sound right. Maybe she was tired the day we talked.”

“I’m sure your sister is fine. Allison would’ve told me if she had a problem.”

Gray knew Derek didn’t believe their sister was fine. Going on past experience, Gray assumed his brother was right.

“I’m calling her tomorrow to tell her the news. I’ll ask her how things are.” He doubted he’d get a different answer. If something was up, Allison would let them know when she was good and ready.

“Let me know what she says, Gray” His dad stood up. “Addie, thank you for dinner. It was fantastic.”


“How about we go back to our place now?” Gray whispered in Kiera’s ear as his dad and stepmother said their goodbyes. “We can check out the shower in the other bathroom.”

“We need to go too.” Kiera smiled at him and pushed her chair back.

Man, did he love this woman.
