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He was playing a little dirty, but damn, he couldn’t help it. “Oh, I know how it goes, babe. And I’ll give it to you after you explain what I found in the bathroom trash.”

Her brain went to work. He saw it in her eyes. “You went through my trash?” Her face turned bright red, either from embarrassment or anger. Sometimes it was hard to tell with her.

“Only after I discovered the box of pregnancy tests in the drawer. Tests I only found because I needed a bandage. When did you take them?” Some anger sneaked into his voice. “And when did you plan on telling me? Are they right? Are you pregnant?”

“Yesterday morning, I did them when I got up. You were still in bed. It seemed too impossible to be true. I thought there was something wrong with both tests. Sometimes you can get a false positive.”

He’d take her word on that.

“So I checked in at my doctor’s office for blood work before the lab closed last night. They called back with the results today.” Her smile lit up her entire face. “Don’t schedule any meetings for May 2, because our son or daughter arrives then.”

A jolt of exhilaration burst through his body and he grabbed Paige around the waist. “You should’ve told me after you took the first two tests. And as soon as the lab called you today,” he said after kissing her, because, despite his joy, he was still annoyed she’d kept it from him.

“Like I said, when I took the tests, I didn’t believe them. If I’d said something, it would’ve gotten your hopes up too. I didn’t want both of us to be disappointed if it turned out they were wrong.” She massaged his neck, the feel of her skin against his melting away the annoyance. Her touch always had that effect on him no matter if it was anger, frustration, or anxiety plaguing him.

“All day I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it. I keep waiting for the doctor’s office to call and say they made a mistake and gave me someone else’s results. I wanted a few more days before I told you just in case.”

Until now he hadn’t fully understood how impossible she’d believed it was that she’d get pregnant. “Does it ever happen?”

“No. At least I’ve never heard of it happening. But unexpected things occur all the time.”

Scott took her face in his hands. “So—”

“So in about nine months you’ll have another son or daughter.”

“As well as a wife,” he said. “And because of both you’ve made me the happiest person alive tonight.”
