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The fabric of his pants rubbed against her thigh, pulling her gaze to his long legs as he stretched them out. Many of the men she’d dated in the past had either been her height, or in one instance slightly shorter. She found it nice to be with someone taller than her for a change.

“Whichever will keep you here longer.” His breath drifted over her skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps behind before he kissed her cheek.

“We could always watch both.” She turned her head and met his eyes, the desire she saw in them kicking up the sensual excitement already humming inside her.

His gaze dropped to her lips before meeting her eyes again. “If it keeps you here all night, we can do that.” Brett touched her lips with his. It was the gentlest kiss she’d ever had, yet her pulse quickened and unimaginable wanting ran through her.

No one was expecting her at home, not even her dog. Before she drove to Salem, she’d stopped home to let Bo out and feed him. Since Kristen lived only a few miles away, she’d promised to visit after the family finished dinner. If Jen wasn’t home yet she’d take him back to her house. There was nothing to stop her from spending the whole night here.

She pulled her mouth away so she could speak. “Or we could find another way to entertain ourselves.”

Jen caught the spark in his eyes before she kissed the side of his neck. She made a path across his skin until her lips closed around his earlobe; then she gently raked her teeth across it. Brett’s soft groan reached her ears moments before he untied the knot on the side of her dress and pushed the material open. When his hand touched her bare skin, she sucked in a deep breath. She’d barely managed to exhale, when he cupped her breast and at the same time set his lips against hers.

Chapter Six

Brett watched Jen pull his New England Rebels T-shirt over her head.

“I was worried I’d find a sleeping bag on your bedroom floor,” she said.

“Bull.” He dug a pair of shorts out of his drawer and put them on. He didn’t bother with a shirt.

“I’m not kidding. I thought maybe beds fell into the nonessential category along with kitchen tables.”

He walked around the king-size bed. Although a queen would fit better in this room, he hated sleeping in anything smaller unless he had no other choice. “Believe it or not, I have two in the house.” He pointed to the bed next to Jen. “I got this one after I bought the house so I’d have a place to sleep when I visited. The mattress from my old condo is in one of the other bedrooms.”

The house had three bedrooms in addition to the master. None of them were huge, but all were a decent size.

Stepping closer, Jen linked her arms around his waist. His body reacted immediately to the feel of her hands on his skin. “Maybe there is some hope for you?” She kissed him before moving back. “I think it’s time to test your opinion of televisions. Ready for a movie?”

He’d rather they get into bed and go back to finding other ways to entertain themselves. But if she wanted to watch a movie, he’d do it. “You’ll see I’m right.”

In the living room, Jen picked her dress up from the floor and folded it before sitting down. “Any preference?” she asked, reaching for the remote they’d left on the table.

“Whatever you want. I’ll be right back.”

In the kitchen, he took two bottles of iced tea from the fridge. “

Hungry?” he called. When he watched a movie, he needed a snack. It didn’t matter if it’d been only five minutes or five hours since his last meal. If a movie was playing, he needed to munch on preferably something salty, but in a pinch cookies worked too.


Brett opened the kitchen closet. Popcorn would be nice, but since he didn’t have any, the roasted peanuts would do. Before leaving the room, he grabbed the cell phone he’d left on the counter earlier. He wasn’t expecting any calls, but you never knew with Carl. Thursday the man had called him close to midnight.

He handed Jen the open bottle of iced tea and sat down next to her. “If you change your mind, let me know.” The opening paragraph to A New Hope scrolled across the screen as the recognizable music filled the room. He’d read the words enough times he could recite them from memory. “Any plans for tomorrow?” He had no free time next week, so he wanted to spend as much time with her this weekend as he could.

“I do have a hot date with my washing machine planned, but I can probably reschedule. I don’t think he’d mind.”

“You’d do that for me?”

Jen nodded. “But only this once. I can’t make a habit of it. He might get jealous.”

“Tomorrow night there’s a block party on the town common. I have no idea what to expect. It might be awful. My buddy told me the town holds one every month starting in the spring. Tomorrow’s the last one until next year. He said there is usually food, music, and dancing.” Food and music he enjoyed. Dancing he only did if left with no other option, like when his sister dragged him on the dance floor at their cousin’s wedding in June. “Any interest in checking it out?”

“Sure, sounds like it could be fun.” She took a sip from her iced tea and then set the bottle down on the coffee table. “What time does it start?”

Good question. He hadn’t asked. “I don’t know. The town’s website should have it listed. It listed everything else.” He’d visited the site a handful of times and found information regarding every aspect of the town. “I can come pick you up sometime in the afternoon. Bring your dog too, and you can stay the night.”

A mischievous grin spread across her face. “Well, it’s not like you have much Bo could destroy in here.”
