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“Let me grab my things.” It wouldn’t take long to get from her office building to the parking garage, but she’d take what time she could get with him.

It wasn’t a surprise that most of the employees were gone as they walked through the office. With summer approaching its unofficial end, Labor Day weekend, everyone wanted to squeeze in what little time was left before children went back to school and the days became cooler. Since so many people had already left for the night and wouldn’t see her and Brett leaving together, Jen hoped the gossip would be kept to a minimum tomorrow.

Downstairs Brett pushed open the door, and hot, humid air hit Jen head-on. She hadn’t left the building all day, and the high temperature now was a big change from this morning. Behind her, Brett continued to hold the door as two other women exited after them. He didn’t show it, but the poor man must be dying in his suit and tie.

“How long do you think your meeting will last?” she asked once they started down the sidewalk.

“No idea. Hopefully not too long. I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”

Although he seemed oblivious to the glances other people on the sidewalk sent their way, she wasn’t. “Afterward, if you want to talk, call me.” Unlike her sister, she’d never been one to go to bed early.

They entered the parking garage, and she went straight toward the stairwell. She found the elevators to be slow and avoided them. Jen figured by doing so she always got in a little exercise, and some days the trip up and down the stairs was the only exercise she managed.

“If it’s not too late, I will. But I don’t want to keep you up tonight.” His hand landed on her lower back. “Tomorrow night is another story.” His breath was a soft caress against her ear. “Should I come to your house or do you want to come to mine?”

His various campaign obligations had him driving all over the state. She couldn’t help him with any of that, but she could make his life a little simpler and drive to North Salem tomorrow night. “I can come up after work.” She stopped next to her car and opened the door. “Or later if you won’t be home then. Whatever works for you.” She tossed her bags in the car.

Brett eliminated the space between them, his chest coming in contact with her breasts. “Come right after work. By the time you get there, I should be home.” His hands cupped her face, and he kissed her. “Pack enough for a few days.” He kissed her again, this one lasting longer. “And bring along Bo so you can spend the weekend.” He took her mouth again, his tongue darting inside to touch hers.

The sounds and smells around her disappeared into the background as she gave herself over to Brett’s skilled mouth. Every pass of his lips over hers sent another ripple of sensual excitement through her body. Somehow each one managed to be more intense than the one before it.

“I wish you didn’t have your meeting tonight,” she said when he finally pulled away.

He kissed the erratic pulse in her neck. “Believe me, I do too.” He kissed the spot again. “I promise I’ll make it up to you this weekend.”

Hoping to get her breathing back to normal, she took in a slow, deep breath and then blew it out. “I should have you put that in writing in case you change your mind.”

The hands he’d moved around her waist while kissing her came back to her face. “Any promise I make to you, I’ll keep.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Brett watched Jen back out of her parking spot. He was used to putting in long hours, but for some reason, the last couple weeks were taking a toll on him. He chalked it up to the fact the stress he was under now was much different than what he’d grown accustomed too.

Before Jen started for the exit, she smiled and waved at him. Only after she was on her way did Brett walk further down the garage to his car. A sound to his left caught his attention, and he watched another person back out of a parking spot. In fact, all around him people were getting ready to leave the city for the night.

Idiot. He gave himself a mental smack to the back of the head. They’d been in a very public parking garage. Anyone could’ve seen them kissing near her car. While they hadn’t been doing anything inappropriate, a potential United States Senator shouldn’t be seen making out in a downtown parking garage. He needed to be more careful. Right now, his opponents had nothing scandalous to use against him. He, along with his dad and Carl, wanted it to stay that way.

Brett rubbed the spot over his right eye and got behind the wheel. He kept a bottle of ibuprofen in the glove box. After starting the engine, he grabbed the bottle, popped three pills in his mouth, and swallowed. Hopefully, they’d take the edge off his headache, allowing him to make it through his upcoming meeting. Afterward he’d grab a few hours of sleep before heading back into Boston so he could put in a couple hours at Homeland Security before driving to Westborough for a luncheon at the senior center there.

From the moment he got on Interstate 95 in Providence, the traffic remained stop and go. It didn’t let up as he crossed the state line and continued north toward Boston. Somehow though, he managed to reach the garage near Carl’s office with ten minutes to spare, even after stopping along the way for a much-needed extra-large coffee. Thankfully, between the caffeine and the three ibuprofens he’d taken, it no longer felt as if his head might explode right on the sidewalk, ending his political aspirations.

“Brett, you look terrible,” Dad said when he saw him.

He’d invited Dad to today’s meeting. His father had his share of political experience, and Brett valued his opinion just as much as that of the people he’d hired to work on the campaign. Tonight, Brett had pulled into the parking garage just as his dad was getting out of his car.

“Are you feeling okay tonight?” Dad asked.

“Just a little tired. It’s been a busy week,” Brett answered. “Nothing some sleep won’t take care of.”

“So I’ve heard. But it’s paying off. The polls still have you ahead of Smith by a wide margin.”

He’d gotten the newest poll updates from Carl earlier today. While pleased with the data, he knew the battle wasn’t over yet. A man like Ted Smith wouldn’t go down without a damn good fight.

Dad reached the building entrance first and pulled open the door. “I didn’t get a chance to speak with you before you left the engagement party or since.”

Other than the brief conversation when they first arrived, Brett hadn’t had a moment alone with his dad. Instead he’d spent much of the afternoon with Jen by his side and his family around him. For the hour or so when Jen had been busy with his female relations, he’d hung out with his brother and cousins. But if Dad had really needed or wanted to speak privately with him again, the man would’ve found an opportunity to pull him aside.

“Your mom and I both liked Jen. She seemed comfortable with the family too.”

He’d noticed that by the time they’d left his uncle’s house, she was acting as if she’d known his family all her life.
