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Brett entered the room and came straight toward her. “And the bed in the guest bedroom.”

They had found Bo asleep in the room down the hall from the master bedroom more than once. Not that she blamed Bo. At home he slept with her, and a real mattress had to be more comfortable than his dog bed. Brett didn’t give her a chance to comment or even say hello. Instead his mouth covered hers hungrily, sending spirals of ecstasy through her body despite the fact his sister stood in the room mere inches away.

As if from a great distance, she heard someone clear her throat. Then the sound came a second time.

“Hello,” Leah said. “I’m still standing here. Can you save it for after I leave?”

When Jen realized Brett had no intention of ending their kiss even though they had an audience, she pulled away.

“You know where the door is, sis. Make sure you close it on your way out.” Brett winked at Jen and lowered his lips toward her neck.

Leah crossed her arms and treated her brother to a glare capable of freezing a person solid. “I support your campaign and this how you treat me. Typical.” Her frown faltered and a smile peeked out. “Jen, maybe you can finally teach my brother some manners.”

“It might be too much of a challenge for me, but I’ll do my best.” Jen giggled when Brett tickled her. “Since I’m starving and someone finally invested in a kitchen table, maybe you can give me some pointers over dinner.” Brett tickled the spot at the base of her spine again, but this time she swatted his hand away.

“Love to. I’m not meeting Tory and Courtney at Platinum until nine.”


She grabbed a pepper off Brett’s pizza and popped it in her mouth. He’d left the food behind while he took another phone call from Carl. It was the third time he’d spoken with Carl since she’d arrived. Either the man didn’t care or didn’t realize Brett needed a life outside the campaign. If Brett did win the election, was this what he had to look forward to? Constant phone calls at all times of the day and night? She hoped not.

“He won’t call again tonight.” Brett dropped onto the sofa and pulled her legs across his lap again. “And assuming no other relatives make a surprise visit, we should be alone for the rest of the weekend.”

Jen hadn’t minded the visit with Leah. “I like your sister. She reminds me a little of Kristen.”

He reached for his plate. With his sister over, they’d ordered pizza and saved the two filets he’d intended to grill tonight for tomorrow night. “She’s got her moments.” Brett raised the pepper-and-clam-topped pizza toward his mouth. “They are few and far between, but she has them.”

His comment earned him a poke in the side. “Oh my God. You’re so full of it,” Jen said. “It’s obvious you’d do anything for her. And vice versa. You’re lucky to have such a great family.”

Brett shook his head. “I plead the fifth. Should we put the movie back on?”

She watched his lips close around the pizza. The man really did have not only the most gorgeous mouth but also the most talented one. He could clear every thought from her head with a single kiss. And the way he made her body react when he used his lips on her breasts or anywhere else brought her to her proverbial knees every time. Even just looking at them now and thinking about how it felt when he wrapped them around a nipple sent heat to her core.

“Sure,” she said in an attempt to keep her mind on something other than how much she wanted to tug him off to bed and have her way with him. While she planned on doing just that again tonight, she’d at least let him finish his late-night snack first. Jen hit Play on the remote control. “You know what this room still needs?”


“Curtains. Maybe a rug too,” she answered, looking around the living room rather than at the television screen. “What do you think?”

Brett shrugged and reached for the second slice of pizza on his plate. “There are some in my bedroom. I got them this week. I just haven’t had time to figure out how to hang them.”

Jen knew he’d been out all week attending one event or another. “When did you manage to do so much shopping?”

“There’s this great invention called the internet. You can log on and order whatever you need from stores. Then it gets shipped to you.”

His comment didn’t deserve anything more than an eye roll. “You ordered your furniture from a website?” She purchased everything from books to cooking pans on the internet, but furniture was different. Before she invested in a chair or a sofa, she wanted to sit on it, test it out and make sure she found it comfortable.

“And the curtains.” He took a large bite of his pizza. “Ordered all the food in the kitchen on the internet too. The store delivered it right to the door.”

Until the election was over, she agreed he needed all the help he could get when it came to everyday tasks. “I wish I lived closer. Then I could do things like grocery shop for you.”

Brett set aside his plate and ran a hand up her thigh and under the hem of her pajama shorts. Her skin prickled at his touch. “I wish you lived closer too.” His voice grew husky. “If you did, I’d have you help me with other things all the time.” He slipped one finger under her panties and touched her. Desire shot through her and she got wet. “Maybe you can help me with them now.”

He dipped his finger inside, and her muscles clenched around him. “I’m more than happy to help you anytime, anywhere.” Jen sealed her promise with a kiss, ending conversation for a while.

Chapter Fifteen

Looking away from the computer screen, Jen rubbed her neck, then answered the e-mail open on the screen. She managed to hit Send before yawning again. She needed either a good nap or a shot of caffeine. Since the workday had several more hours in it, she’d have to settle for the caffeine. Hopefully it would do the trick, because she had two important meetings to get through this afternoon. If the coffee didn’t perk her up, she only had herself to blame.
