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The footman blushed, glancing up from his bowed position, not used to being addressed directly.

‘Your Highness,’ the young man murmured, bowing so low Leo was surprised he didn’t topple over. ‘We are so honoured to have you in Severene.’

‘And I’m honoured to be here,’ she said. ‘What’s your name?’

‘It’s...’ The young man’s gaze connected with Leo’s, the flush on his cheeks turning scarlet.

Leo nodded as he climbed down from the carriage behind Jade, giving the boy permission to speak to the Queen.

‘It’s Klaus, Your Majesty,’ the footman said, looking completely nonplussed, but as he bowed again he shivered visibly.

‘It’s lovely to meet you, Klaus,’ Jade murmured. ‘Can I ask you how long you’ve been standing out in the cold?’

‘About an hour, Your Majesty.’

‘You’re not serious, in that outfit?’

The boy nodded. And the Queen of Monrova turned, her gaze fierce as it connected with Leo’s.

‘Leo, this is ridiculous. Look what he’s wearing. He hasn’t even got proper gloves on,’ she said.

‘Yes, I see your point,’ he said. She was right. The staff uniforms, although ornate, were hardly substantial enough for sub-zero temperatures. But it was the passion flashing in her eyes that fascinated him. Even though it was a cliché he had never subscribed to, he had to admit the Queen was quite breathtaking when she was mad.

‘Who’s in charge here?’ she demanded.

‘I suppose that would be me,’ Leo said, even though strictly speaking it was the palace’s Head of Household, Pierre La Clerk, who would have made the decision to have the staff stand outside. But he preferred to have all her passion directed at him.

An urge so perverse he would have to examine it later.

‘Then don’t just stand there, Leo,’ she snapped. ‘We have to get these people indoors immediately.’

He should have been outraged, of course. No one spoke to him like that and no one gave him orders. But instead he was captivated. Her unconventional approach—and her passionate determination to protect the young man shivering in his uniform—making him realise what a formidable queen she would make him.

Nodding, he clicked his fingers. And called over his head of household as another thought occurred to him.

Would he even have noticed the boy’s discomfort? Highly unlikely, he realised. Ever since he could remember, state visitors were greeted in this way. Why had he never considered changing this arrangement before now?

Le Clerk approached with a stiff smile on his face—telegraphing his disapproval at the delay. Leo didn’t care. The man had made a mistake.

‘Your Majesty, if there is a problem with the—’ Pierre began.

‘Pierre, move the introductions indoors,’ Leo interrupted him. ‘Klaus here is freezing and no doubt so are the rest of the staff.’

‘But, Your Majesty, it is tradition for—’

‘Tradition be damned if it is going to give the staff frostbite.’

Pierre’s lips pursed, but he bowed low. ‘Absolutely, as Your Majesty wishes.’

Pierre, the palace butlers and the other senior staff members set about moving the welcoming committee indoors.

‘Come on, Klaus, I think you probably need a hot toddy,’ Jade murmured as she smiled at the young footman. ‘I know I do.’

Leo watched the boy smile back at her—the worship in his eyes unmistakeable.

To think he’d once thought her reserve and her dignity were her main assets as a wife and a queen. Her unconventional style of leadership—which he hadn’t even realised existed until last night at the ball—was surprisingly appealing.

The footman nodded, clearly shocked by the Queen’s familiarity—weren’t they all?
