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Leo’s heart thundered as he took in the pebbled nipples under Juno’s wet shirt. Was she braless? Heat shot into his groin.

Her riotous hair tumbled down around her shoulders. And her green gaze blazed with emerald fire.

He needed her naked, like yesterday. He’d woken up grumpy as hell, she wasn’t wrong about that. After two nights of unfulfilled erotic dreams, was it any surprise? But he was through controlling his hunger—he’d established who was boss and that was enough.

He lifted her foot, tugged off one boot, and the other. Then kicked off his own boots as she watched him, the eager anticipation already firing through his system.

She hadn’t objected to sleeping with him on this trip, so what was he waiting for?

The mood changed, from playful to intense. But it didn’t matter. This was all about sex, always had been. Sex and chemistry and getting it out of their systems before they both went back to their real lives.

He lifted her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, hooked her legs around his waist and buried her face against his collarbone, her lips finding the pulse point beneath the stubble on his chin. Her scent—citrus and spice and warm, playful woman—surrounded him, her kisses so artless and enthusiastic his heart stumbled in his chest.

He staggered towards the lodge’s master bedroom as he found her mouth. She shivered deliciously in his arms as they finally crashed into the bedroom together and he dropped her on the bed.

The frantic battle to divest themselves of their clothing took less than a minute but felt like an

eternity as he watched her wrestling off her wet jeans, socks and panties and then tug the sleeveless T over her head. Her bare breasts bounced, the flushed nipples sending the heat pounding straight into his groin.

He stripped off his sweat pants and T-shirt and kicked off his boxers in seconds flat.

At last, they were naked, her eyes locked on his rampant erection as he grabbed the sweat pants and pulled out a condom with trembling fingers.

He ripped open the packet and rolled on the protection, aware of her eyes on him.

But as he climbed on the bed, and she scrambled back to give him room before lifting her arms to wrap them around his shoulders, he could feel his control slipping again. Grasping her hips, he pulled her under him, but as her hands fell to his shoulders, her eyes dark with a longing that matched his own, the shaft of longing—and desperation—was so intense, the squeeze in his chest so sharp, it began to scare him.

What was happening here? Because what should have been simple and straightforward sex, and nothing but sex, felt like more again.

He could see the glow of affection in her eyes, could feel their hearts beating in unison. She opened her mouth and the fear sharpened.


He pressed a finger to her lips.

‘Don’t,’ he said, his voice so thick with emotion it was starting to terrify him.

Her eyes became shuttered, and he had the strangest feeling he’d broken something that might never be repaired. But the hunger, the longing, the physical yearning leapt in to take its place.

He gripped her hips and flipped her over, then lifted her, until she was positioned on all fours, ready to be plundered. Need surged through him, the desire so strong he could hardly breathe. He didn’t want to see her face, didn’t want to see the emotion that he was terrified might match his own as he took her.

‘Leo?’ she whispered, her voice thick with arousal, but also trembling with need.

He nestled the rigid erection in the swollen lips of her sex, not penetrating, but stroking the slick seam, playing with her, to refocus her mind on what he could give her. Instead of what he could not.

She jerked, and he tightened his grip on her hips. He found the font of her pleasure and exploited it with the smooth strokes.

She sobbed, the guttural sound thickening his shaft even more.

At last, he could feel her shattering, bucking against his hold. He reared back, unable to wait a moment longer, and plunged to the hilt. The tight clasp of her sex milked him as she cried out. He moved, his thrusts deep, branding every last inch of her, revelling in her surrender. As her orgasm pulsed around him, his own climax built from the very reaches of his soul, shocking in its intensity.

The orgasm rushed towards him then slammed into him with the force and fury of a runaway train. He shouted out, the pleasure wrenched from him, and clung onto her slender frame as he let himself fall.

Juno lay like a limp noodle on the bed, Leo’s big body covering hers, the scent of sweat and sex surrounding them, the imprint of him still humming in her tender sex. She closed her eyes tight, not wanting the blissful wave of afterglow to end. Not wanting to revisit the words she’d nearly blurted out.

Thank God he’d stopped her.

You can’t go there. He doesn’t want that.
