Page 77 of BTW I Love You

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His finger stretched her, then pressed, twisting until he touched a spot deep inside and caressed. The monumental release triggered, sweeping through her like a firestorm.

Ruby shrieked, arching off the bed, the waves of orgasm shattering her into a billion glittering pieces.

‘So you’re a screamer.’

Ruby blinked as he propped his elbow beside her head and stared down at her.

‘Good to know,’ he added, looking smug, but she was still far too stunned to utter a single word, let alone respond to his teasing.

What had he done to her?

She’d never had an orgasm that intense before. Not even close. And she’d certainly never been a screamer. Until now.

‘I like to show my appreciation,’ she murmured, getting enough of her faculties back to know it would not be wise to mention he was the first man to hit that particular jackpot. He was looking far too pleased with himself already.

‘Duly noted,’ he quipped, placing a light kiss on her nose.

His gaze roamed over her and she struggled to control the desire to cover herself. Her mortification was complete when a blush fanned out across her chest.

How much more exposed could she be? She was sprawled on his bed, her half-naked body still flushed with afterglow, having had the most titanic orgasm of her life. And she hadn’t had to give him a single instruction. Plus, she was pretty sure she’d begged.

He dipped his thumb under the thin lace of her bra, and her nipple tightened to his touch. His eyes locked back on her face as he delved behind her back.

‘Let’s get you naked,’ he murmured.

She heard the sharp click as he unhooked her bra with one hand and then pulled the garment free, the slow seductive smile ripe with suggestion.

‘You’re gorgeous,’ he muttered, cupping her breasts and then licking at the tip.

She thrust her fingers into his short silky hair, shocked to feel the renewed bolt of heat arrowing down to her core and the strange tug of emotion beneath her breastbone.

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‘I want you naked too,’ she managed to moan, the rasp of his stubble on tender flesh sending her senses reeling.

He lifted his head, grinned. ‘That’s one instruction I’m happy to obey.’

Sitting up, he tugged his shirt over his head with undisguised haste, the buttons popping.

Ruby took the opportunity to scramble out of her dress as he grappled with his belt.

She’d analyse all this later. Her unprecedented response to him had to be a fluke of chemistry—and the result of his considerable proficiency in the bedroom. The man had said he was talented. He hadn’t lied.

But then the mattress dipped as he knelt on the bed beside her, and her gaze devoured the lean musculature of his torso. He was even more gorgeous naked if that were possible. The slight sprinkle of hair defined well-developed pecs and bisected an awesome six-pack. He must work out. A lot. Her gaze followed the arrow down and then stopped dead. The unfamiliar blush burned across her cheeks like wildfire.

Oh, my goodness.

The massive erection stood out proudly from the thatch of dark hair at his groin as she watched him sheath himself. Her jaw went slack. While she was coming to appreciate Callum Westmore’s talents, she hadn’t expected him to be quite that talented.

‘Wow,’ she said, before she could think better of it.

The deep rumble of laughter sounded both self-satisfied and amused—and she realised she’d given him the upper hand. Again.

Holding her waist, he shifted her neatly beneath him. ‘I’m glad you approve.’

She braced her hands on his chest, felt the muscles quiver like a stallion ready to mate. ‘No need to look so full of it,’ she quipped, trying to regain ground while her sex ached with need. ‘Don’t you know size doesn’t matter?’

He chuckled, brushed her hair back from her face, then nipped her ear lobe, sending a shaft of heat to her core. ‘Luckily for us both, then,’ he whispered, ‘I also know exactly what I’m doing.’
