Page 30 of Bedded by a Playboy

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She plastered a smile on her face. ‘Are you coming over for dinner tonight?’

Monroe’s brow furrowed. ‘Nah, I’ll wait for the big birthday bash tomorrow. I don’t want to outstay my welcome.’ He drained the bottle, pushed his chair back and got up. ‘It’s getting late. You ought to get back.’

As they paid the bill and left the bustling marina, the sun starting to dip towards the horizon, Jessie wanted to tell Monroe that he couldn’t possibly outstay his welcome. That he was family, and family was always welcome.

But she didn’t say it. She knew he would reject the personal comment.

As Jessie watched him ride off alone on his Harley and she climbed into the BMW she’d borrowed from Linc that morning, for the first time it occurred to Jessie how lonely Monroe’s life was.

He had no one.

How could he survive without family, without any real friends? And was that really the way he wanted it?

She began to wonder as she drove home along the coastal road; was he really as indifferent as he pretended to be? Maybe it wasn’t that he didn’t want her to see his work. Maybe it wasn’t that he didn’t want to come over to the house for dinner that night. Maybe he was simply scared to open himself up to something he’d never really known. Family. Approval. Love.


‘HE LOOKS like he’s outnumbered. Think I should rescue him?’ Linc’s voice in her ear made Jessie jump. She’d been lost in thought watching Monroe organise a game of tag with five little girls all clinging to his legs.

Once Ali had strong-armed him into organising the party games, Jessie had watched him starting to enjoy himself. Emmy and her little friends obviously adored him. He was a natural with kids and yet from what he’d said yesterday at the marina it was clear he wanted to keep the family at arm’s length. Couldn’t he see that they could make his life so much richer?

‘You know,’ Linc continued, ‘I think he’s beginning to regret his way with the ladies.’ He laughed, the sound low and relaxed as they watched Monroe pick Emmy up and turn her on her head. The chorus of squeals that followed made Jessie wince.

‘Ali sent me to tell you the food’s ready.’ Linc glanced down at Jessie. ‘Could you corral the kids over to the pool? I’ve got a surprise for Monroe, too. I’m going to go get it. So make sure he doesn’t run off.’

‘I’ll make sure he’s there.’ Jessie’s eyes followed Linc as he left the room. A surprise for Monroe. That sounded intriguing. She clapped her hands over her head but still had to shout to be heard. ‘Emmy, kids. Tea’s ready out by the pool. Last one there’s a rotten egg.’

As the little girls ran off in a flurry of frills and shrieks, Monroe collapsed on the rug.

‘Hell, they’re like a swarm of locusts,’ he groaned.

Jessie smiled down at him. ‘You survived.’

‘Just about, but it was a close call.’ He looked up at her, his arms propping up his long, lean body as he lay back. ‘Ali forgot to mention they operate in a pack, like ravenous wolves.’

Jessie laughed, but stopped abruptly when warm, strong fingers gripped her ankle. She gasped when a quick pull had her stumbling on top of him.

‘That’s better.’ His hand shot out and before she knew it she was on top of him, his arms banded around her back, in the middle of the living room floor.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ She wanted to sound indignant but the heat in his eyes was making her pulse leap like a scared rabbit.

‘What I’ve wanted to do since the last time we did this.’ He turned over, taking her with him. Her back was on the floor, his body pressed on top of hers and his lips hot on her mouth before she could blink.

The sudden rush of heat and intensity shocked her. She struggled for a moment, then went still, letting him explore her mouth with his. The flames licking at her belly, making her centre throb, were so shocking and so sudden she couldn’t seem to find the will to stop him, or herself. She could feel every inch of him, but most of all his lips. Wet and wonderful on hers. Then he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She gasped and the kiss went deeper, so much deeper it scared her. She struggled against him, pushed him back.

‘We have to stop.’ Her voice panted out on a breathy sob. ‘We’re at a children’s party.’

He cursed then and moved off her.

She scrambled up. ‘I can’t believe we did that.’

Her face was so hot it burned. He sat up, draped his arm over one knee and stared up at her. He gave his head a rueful shake. ‘Seeing as I’ve been planning it for over a week, I guess it lacked a bit of finesse.’

‘What do you mean planning it?’ Why did she suddenly feel totally out of her depth?

He stood up and rested his hands on her hips. She tried to step back, but he held her in place. ‘We need to talk, Red.’

Monroe couldn’t believe he’d blown it so badly. But, hell, he’d been watching her for the whole afternoon in that sunny yellow dress. Seeing the way it fitted so demurely, giving a tantalising glimpse of the curves beneath—and he’d wanted to kiss her again ever since that afternoon by the grocery store.
