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Her mouth was hungry and desperate, and I kissed her back hard, reaching down with my free hand, sliding down across the trembling plane of her stomach to the slick flesh of her pussy. Her clit was swollen and hard and she cried out as I stroked lightly over it, her whole body trembling in response.

‘Oh, Ash... I need you...please...please...’

All my aggression and anger fell away, all my focus on her and what she needed.

I rumbled my appreciation of her, stroking her clit in time with my thrusts, fighting the unbearable pleasure that was pulling at me, determined that she was going to come before I did. And sure enough, another touch and one deep thrust, and she gave a high, thin scream as the orgasm hit, the convulsion of her pussy around my cock unmistakable, releasing something feral inside me.

As she trembled and gasped beneath me, I unleashed myself, thrusting wildly and hard, driving myself inside her, until the climax hit me, too, like a bomb going off in the confines of my body, blasting me with pleasure so intense I couldn’t do anything but roar as lights burst behind my eyes.

It took a long time for me to come back to myself and when I did, I could hear some muffled sobs. A second later, I realised it was Ellie and she was crying.

My chest went so tight it was painful.

Jesus, was it something I’d done? Had I hurt her?

A cold feeling wound through me, the languid heat of the orgasm disappearing.

Pulling out of her, I dealt with the condom in a nearby and cleverly disguised bin, then bent and gathered her trembling body into my arms. She tried to push against me, turning her face away, but I ignored it, tightening my grip as I took her over to the bed and laid her down on it. Then I stripped off my clothes and climbed in beside her, drawing the thick, soft velvety quilt over us as I held her small body close to mine, using my touch to soothe her.

She pushed against my chest. ‘Don’t,’ she muttered even as more sobs caught in her throat. ‘I’m fine.’

‘You’re not fine.’ I held her tighter, not even sure what I was doing, something deep and instinctive inside me responding to her tears. ‘Did I hurt you?

Because if I did—’

‘No,’ she said thickly. ‘You didn’t hurt me. It’s just... I don’t know what’s happening. That was just so...amazing. I can’t... I don’t know...’

I stroked her hair, wanting to give her some reassurance, the strands silky and soft against my palm. ‘What did I say about not minding a fuss? You can cry if you want. Tears don’t bother me.’ Although I was beginning to think that her tears in particular bothered me. As in, I didn’t like them if it meant she was in pain.

She sighed, some of her resistance receding. ‘It just makes...this seem like a big deal.’

‘This being the sex, you mean?’

Another soft sigh escaped her. ‘Yeah.’

I looked down at her pink face, the fierce protectiveness that had hit me earlier gripping me again. Her life seemed to be full of her being concerned for other people’s feelings, while no one was ever concerned with hers. Certainly her bloody father hadn’t been and I suspected her brothers weren’t overly involved either.

Perhaps today, right now, someone could show her that her feelings mattered. That they were important.

And that someone was going to be me.

‘It is a big deal.’ I ignored the warning that went off in my head as I spoke. ‘It’s a fucking huge deal.’

Her hazel eyes were wide and dark from beneath lashes glittering with moisture. ‘You think so?’

I stared back, letting her see the truth in my eyes. ‘It certainly doesn’t feel like any sex I’ve ever had before.’

A wave of colour washed through her skin. ‘But you’ve had a lot, haven’t you? A lot of sex, I mean.’

‘Yes, I’ve had a lot. And no, this is not the same. Not in any way.’

‘Oh.’ She blinked a couple of times, looking shocked.

I narrowed my gaze. ‘Just how often have you had sex?’ Obviously it wasn’t going to be much.

Her chin lifted, but the flush in her skin betrayed her. ‘A couple of times. With my high-school boyfriend. I mean, after Mark...’

She didn’t finish the sentence, but then she didn’t need to. I knew already. And I could understand. She hadn’t wanted to be with anyone after him. Except me.
