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Without speaking, I reach behind her and unhook her bra. She watches me as I slide it down her arms, then drop it to the floor. I loved her breasts encased in lace, as they were the other night. I love them more naked.

I haven’t stopped thinking about them since she stripped on the balcony. I remember every detail of them. I dip my head forward and take one of her nipples in my mouth.

She gasps in surprise and then her back sways forward and her hands cling to my shoulders. I roll my tongue over her nipple, flicking it, and my fingers find her other, tormenting it between thumb and forefinger, so she’s shining with pleasure. I half lift her and she half pushes up, so she’s sitting on the pool table with me between her legs.

Fuck, I want her. I want her like this; to hell with my intentions to take this slowly, to teach her everything before finally succumbing to my own sexual needs. I take as much of her breast into my mouth as I can and then I swap to the other, my fingers moving over her wet flesh while my tongue rolls over her nipple then sucks, and she whimpers as I play with her, and pleasure builds inside me. Fuck it, I want this.

I pull away, just so I can sip my ice-cold beer and then I’m back at her breast, rolling the ice-cold liquid over her, and she cries out then moans and thrashes, falling back against the green velvet of the pool table. I hold my body over hers, pulling her thighs forward so she’s rid

ing my erection even though there’s still way too much fabric between us.

She arches her back and I run my hands over the valley between her breasts and once more find her beautiful, warm sex. I drive a finger inside her and she cries out, bringing her feet to the edge of the table and swearing into the night air.

‘Please, Michael,’ she screams, and I smile despite the seriousness of this desire.

I swirl my finger around and her tight muscles clench hard. And, just like in the lift, I murmur, ‘Please, what?’

‘Fuck me!’

I watch her as she tips over the edge, her beautiful face flushed and screwed up as pleasure saturates her body. I watch her and it takes all my willpower not to push my boxers down and thrust into her. I watch her and know the sight of her orgasms is addictive and dangerous and pleasure thrills low inside me. There is not much I like more than a challenge, and keeping my desire for Millie in check will be that.

‘That’s enough for now,’ I hear myself say, while her breathing is still rushing from her as though she’s run a marathon.

I pull away from her and she scrambles up onto her elbows, staring at me as though I’ve lost the plot. And I have, obviously, because my dick is hard and my mind is filled with images of possessing this beautiful, willing woman who’s almost naked in my apartment.

But I don’t. I step back, smiling at her, regulating my own breathing and curbing my every impulse.

‘Shall we play again?’


‘SURE,’ I MURMUR, my eyes locked to his. But I don’t pick up the pool cue. Instead, I slide my hands into the sides of my thong, curving my fingertips over the lace.

His bare chest lifts and falls quickly.

‘Or we could play something else,’ I murmur, pushing my underwear down my thighs, holding his gaze as I step out of them and stand before him, completely naked.

‘Such as?’ He holds himself rigid, but I see the effort it takes. Hiding a smile, I step towards him and when my body’s so close we’re practically touching, I nudge my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, exhaling as I curve my fingers around his ass.

God, what an ass! I bite down on my lower lip as I pull him closer, dragging his body to mine as I step backwards to the table. I push his shorts as I go and he’s still so rigid, so determined not to react, only I feel his reactions, I hear them. I hear the rush of his breathing and the racing of his pulse. Power slams through me. Power at what I’m capable of—power at what I know is about to happen.

I lift up onto the edge of the pool table and hook my ankles around his waist, holding him right there, and his eyes bore into mine, his mouth locked tight, his jaw immovable.

‘Don’t fight me on this,’ I say simply, walking my fingers up his chest, cupping his cheeks and pulling his face towards mine.

But he is fighting me. He’s tense as though the world’s survival depends on his ability to resist me. ‘Not like this,’ is all he says.

‘Why not?’ I move forward, my mouth so close to his.


I smile despite the tension and need hammering my sides. ‘That’s hardly an answer, Michael.’

‘Because you’re inexperienced and that’s not just about sex. There’s so much more to what you want to learn. You just don’t know it.’

‘So show me,’ I say, challenging him. ‘Show me everything you think I’ve missed out on. But let me have this first. Tonight. I’m a twenty-three-year-old virgin and I want you to be my first. I’m asking you to have sex with me now, tonight, not tomorrow or the day after. I’m asking you to do this, and I’m telling you I want it.’

His groan is tormented.
