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Cassandra’s watery smile showed her gratitude. It was surreal. She announced herself to the receptionist, and saw the young woman’s eyes flicker a little with recognition. Lady Cassandra Hervey had been in some of the weekly magazines, and her runaway story had apparently captured the imagination of some people. “We’re running a bit behind schedule,” the receptionist said with a hint of apology. “Take a seat and we’ll get to you when we can.”

There was only one other person in the waiting room, yet the time seemed to drag. She was too nervous to speak, and so despite a couple of abortive attempts at conversation by Cherie, they waited in apprehensive silence. Cherie didn’t let go of Cassandra’s hand the whole time. It was ludicrous, but while they waited, Cassandra stared at the practical and ugly waiting room and felt a little indignant that such an important moment in her life should be taking place somewhere so very lacking in charm.

She’d booked the clinic because it was nearby, and they had a vacancy. Money was no object, she could have gone to a more prestigious address, but all she needed now was confirmation of what she suspected.

“Mrs Hervey?” A middle aged man called into the now empty waiting room, his eyes scanning the two women.

Cassandra stood, nervously fingering the leather strap of her handbag. She inhaled deeply and forced herself to put one foot in front of the other. “It’s Miss,” she clarified as she walked in the door of his high tech consulting room.

“I see. Take a seat.” His smile was warm, his face reminded her a bit of what a ruddy faced beaver might look like, with grey eyebrows that were so fuzzy they had long hairs leaping out from amongst the rest, like spider legs.

Cherie sat next to Cassandra, her hands clasped in her lap. Cass couldn’t help smiling a little at the fact that her friend was more visibly nervous than the potential mum to be.

“I’m Doctor Angelo. How can I help you, Miss Hervey?” The man asked, leaning forward on his desk, his elbows resting against the soft leather top.

“I think I’m pregnant.”

He nodded. “Most people who come through my doors are.”

Cass gave him a faint smile.

“Have you done a test?”

“A test?”

“You know, a home pregnancy test?” He raised his eyebrows at her blank expression.

Embarrassed, she shook her head. “I ... I didn’t think of it.” In truth, the timing and her symptoms were compelling enough, she hadn’t thought it necessary.

“Well, no matter. Have a lie on this bed and we’ll see what we can find. I take it you’ve been sexually active recently?”

Cassandra wondered if he thought he was dealing with an absolute nut. Very, she could have said. She nodded mutely.

“Okay, just lift your top up for me please, and loosen the waistband of your pants.”

She did as he said and then he tucked a dark blue towel into the top of her underpants, slipping them even lower. Cherie came to stand beside her head, her very presence reass

uring. Cassandra wondered what Benedict was doing at that exact moment. Would he still be up in the air, flying to Spain? Or France? Or America? Who knew where he had run off to in such a hurry?

Doctor Angelo squeezed a tube of blue goo onto her belly and spread it around, so that she felt chilled through. “Here we go. You can watch this screen here.” He pointed up to a flat screen screwed onto the ceiling. Cassandra lifted her eyes and held her breath as he moved a small grey wand over her stomach.

The black and white image on the screen was just a blur to Cassandra. She looked at him helplessly. “Well?” She asked, her breath still pent up in her stressed body.

“One moment.” He turned a knob on the device and suddenly the room was filled with the most amazing sound Cassandra had ever heard. A heartbeat. Unmistakable. Strong. Slow.

Tears sprung to her eyes and she beamed up at Cherie.

“You’re right. Definitely pregnant.” He pressed another button on his computer and then another, and then stepped back, switched all the technology off and wiping the wand clean. “You can get down now,” he said, business like, passing her a fresh towel to clean off the ultrasound gel.

“How far along am I?” She asked in wonderment, coming to sit back at the desk. Cherie joined her, a small hand rubbing Cassandra’s back reassuringly. But Cass didn’t need reassuring. Sure, it wasn’t ideal. Certainly not how she’d planned it. But she was going to be a mother. And she loved this baby more fiercely than she could explain to another soul.

“Going by fetal length, I’d say around eleven weeks.”

“Eleven weeks!” She mouthed in shock. That meant she must have conceived in the very early days of their relationship.

“Oh, no.” She murmured, panic spreading through her.

“I take it this wasn’t a planned pregnancy?” His voice didn’t hold judgement, his eyes were professionally detached.

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