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She might have left. Moved to a bigger city. Forgotten all about him.

Was it possible? When she had burned his dreams, night after night?

There was only one way to know for sure.


The stench of liquor was now, she feared, deep inside her organs.

At first, it had just been her shirt. Then her skin, and now, her muscle and deep tissue were saturated by it. Fantasies of a long, hot shower to wash away the double shift at Larry’s were tantalising, but remained just out of reach. S

he shot a glance at her slim-gold wrist watch.

It was an hour before Lexi’s bed time.

Hardly time to read her a book, give her a bath and share a meal.

She paused two doors down from her own and pressed her finger on the ringer. The scuffle of many little feet sounded from within, bringing, as always, a smile to Sarah’s face.

Caitlyn opened the door. At eleven, she was the self-appointed leader of the gang – the six or so children her mother took in each evening to care for and earn extra money.

“Hi honey,” Sarah smiled, not mentioning the clown-like makeup on Caitlyn’s face.

“We were doing dress-up,” she giggled, explaining anyway. “I was the model.” And she curtseyed, revealing two little bodies behind her own.

“And a very good model, too.”

“Want to come in?”

Sarah adored her neighbours. Caitlyn’s mother, Jenny, was cheap childcare and she truly loved the kids in her care. But she could talk the hind legs off a donkey and Sarah had already suffered through enough banal small talk that day. “I’m late,” she apologised. “Lexi will be exhausted.”

Caitlyn shrugged. “I’ll go get her.”

“Thanks.” Sarah rubbed her hands together as a cold wind rustled past. It was the beginning of Autumn and the season’s change was all around her. She tilted her head towards the sky, admiring the crisp view of the stars, and the heavenly fragrance of the pine plantation.

He’d spotted her as soon as she’d turned the corner. Just as she’d approached her door, he’d gripped the handle of his, readying himself to step from the confines of his luxurious vehicle. But then she’d stopped, two houses before reaching the green door. She was chatting now.

His impatience grew, but the certainty that Sarah was still here, in Iron Oaks, answered at least one of his questions.

The tiny little figure that hurtled out of the door and ran at her jeans-clad legs a moment later answered another. And this one left something like iron in his mouth. She’d had a child? A stone seemed to be dropping through him, perforating his gut, making his body throb with disbelief. Five years was a long time, but the idea of her meeting someone else, marrying them, having a family… no. It couldn’t be possible. He couldn’t believe it.

“Mommy!” Lexi wrapped her chubby arms around Sarah’s legs, her fingers splayed wide across the backs of Sarah’s knees.

Sarah scooped down, lifting Lexi up against her chest. “Hi, baby girl.” She kissed Lexi’s cheeks, smiling when she saw the little girl had green eye shadow and garish pink lipstick.

“She was a model, too,” Caitlyn explained helpfully.

“I can see that. Tell your mom ‘thanks’.”

“Sure thing.” Caitlyn pushed the door closed and Sarah turned back down the street, covering the short distance to her home with Lexi bouncing on her hip.

“You look like you’ve been to the beauty parlour,” she drawled, raking her gaze over her niece’s face with another smile.

“Uh huh. I have.”

“I see.”

“Did you have a good day, mama?”

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