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Should I feel this overwhelming urge of jealousy that he mentioned a girl? Hell no. Do I? Fuck yes. I have no right to feel this way, but I can’t really help how I feel. He said he didn’t have a girlfriend or a wife, but I’m willing to bet money that he has a lot of friends with benefits. I have a feeling Sara is just that. Maybe he thinks he’s doing something nice, or maybe he wants me to know his dick is taken. Either way, I don’t have a dollar to go shopping, so it doesn’t really matter.

I sip my beer and I immediately know that I can’t have more than one. It’s been months since I had alcohol and being around Cash drunk is not a good idea. I pick at the label as I lift my eyes to him. “I appreciate the offer, Cash, but I don’t have any money to go shopping.”

He drops his foot to the floor and leans his elbows on his knees. “I have credit cards, don’t worry about it.”

“Absolutely not. I’m not a charity case. You’ve already been feeding me and given me a place to hide out. I will not take advantage of your kindness. I have clothes, I’ll just wash them,” I say.

He finishes off his beer and pulls his hat off, tossing it on the coffee table. He scratches his head, causing his hair to stick up in all directions. It’s the first time I’ve seen him without his hat, even when we slept last night, he had it on. I’ve been wanting him to remove it and now I wish he'd put it back on. The urge to grab ahold of his hair or run my fingers through it is all I can think of now.

“How much do you charge for a haircut?” he asks, pulling me from my inappropriate thoughts.

“What?” I ask, laughing.

“You cut hair, right?” he asks, smirking.

I put my half empty beer down and nod. “Yeah.”

“So, how much do you charge?”

“Depends what I’m doing, but just a trim and shape up would be about forty bucks.”

His phone rings and he grabs it out of his pocket. It must be the pizza because he tells them to send it up. Before everything happened, I was making good money. I had a small house, some money put away, and was living comfortably. Cash, obviously, is extremely wealthy. I guess killing people pays well. He lives a life that is so above anything I had before. Vinny had a lot of money, but that was his. He didn’t spend his money on me.

We sit down at the table in the kitchen and the smell of the pizza has my stomach growling. I laugh, covering my face. “Sorry.”

“Why the hell are you apologizing?”

I drop my hands and shrug. “It’s embarrassing.”

He puts a slice of pizza on my plate and bites into his. “You aren’t the kind of girl who gets embarrassed that easily. Eat your pizza.”

I laugh and take a bite of the pizza. It’s probably because I haven’t had any for so long, but this is the best damn pizza I’ve ever had. A moan escapes me while I chew.

“Leslie,” Cash says.

I glance over and he’s staring at me, his eyes hard like the first time I saw him. I drop the pizza on my plate, wiping my hands on my napkin. “What?” I ask, nervously.

“Stop fucking moaning,” he mumbles.

It catches me off guard and I can’t help that I toss my head back laughing. “Oh shit, sorry,” I say, picking the pizza back up.

I begin to think that I’m a wrench in his life right now. I’m sure if I wasn’t here, he’d probably be having dinner with someone else, expecting a lot more after. As much as I don’t want him to leave, I know the right thing to do is tell him that he can.

“You know you can go visit your friend Sara. You’ve done so much for me already, I don’t want to stand in the way,” I say, finishing off my pizza.

He pushes his plate out of the way and leans across the table. His eyes bounce between mine and I swallow past the dryness that has suddenly taken over my throat. “Did I ever fucking say you were standing in the way?”

I lean back slightly in the chair as I shake my head. “No,” I whisper.

“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do. If I’m here with you, it’s because that’s where I want to be. Don’t ever question that shit again.” He sits back and I take a deep breath. “And for the record, Sara is my buddy’s wife.”

Chapter 9


* * *

We eat the rest of dinner in silence. This girl has
