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“Does this hurt?”

I shake my head at him. Even if it did hurt, I would suck it up because having him leaning over me like this is stirring feelings in my body I haven’t felt in far too long. We are staring in each other’s eyes and it has my heart beating franticly in my chest.

“Fuck I’ve missed you baby. I’m sorry for everything. I need you, I cannot be without you.” He lowers his head and we begin to kiss. When his tongue touches mine, he swallows the moan I let out. I run my good hand up and into his hair. I can feel the evidence of his arousal on my leg. It spurs me on and I deepen the kiss. After a few minutes he pulls back staring at my face.

“Baby, I need to stop or I will not be able too. It’s been much to long since I’ve been inside you, but I don’t want it to be in a hospital bed.”

I smile up at him remembering all the times we made love. “These injuries better not prevent it when we get home today.”

He laughs at me and climbs out of bed to stretch. He leans over to whisper in my ear. “Nothing could stop me tonight baby. That I promise you.” He gives me a wink and walks to the bathroom.

The doctor came in to do his final check on Kenz. He explained how to care for the lacerations, to follow up with her doctor, also how to bathe with the cast. I am waiting for her to finish changing in the bathroom. I can’t wait to get her home. The last few days have been a fucking nightmare. She is doing much better it is such a relief. I took a quick shower here because I know that everyone is at her apartment to welcome her home. They are all equally relived that this ordeal is over, both the attack and us being apart.

Kenz finally comes out of the bathroom with a smile on her gorgeous face. She is in her regular clothes, freshly showered looking much better then she has now that all the blood is off her head.

“You look beautiful, baby. You ready to bust out of here?” I ask while I across the room to pull her to me.

Once we have our arms around each other she says, “I can’t wait to get home.” I kiss her lips and forehead before pulling away. I have everything all packed and ready to go.

“The nurse gave me all your paper work while you were in the shower. I put it in the bag. We can drop off your prescription on the way home. Now let’s get the hell out of here.” The nurse brings in the wheelchair. Once she is situated in it, she wheels Kenz to the elevator. Kenz is wheeled outside; I help her out of the wheelchair, thank the nurse, and we leave.

We get her pain medicine and are on our way home. She has been quite and I’m wondering what is going through her mind. I reach over to hold her hand. “What’s up, baby? You’re in your own head.”

She turns her head to look at me. “Honestly, seeing all this brings back that night. I’m scared.” I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her palm.

“Baby, I promise you I will not let anything happen to you. You don’t have to go anywhere on your own until you’re ready. The police arrested him, so you don’t need to worry about it. It will never happen again, because I will kill him before that happens.” She gives my hand a squeeze.

“Thank you for everything, Campbell. I couldn’t have made it these last few days without you.” We pull into the parking spot and I turn to look at her.

“Kenz, I love you. You never have to thank me for taking care of you. I want to do it baby. I want to be your rock.” I get out of the truck and walk to her side to help her out.

We get off the elevator and walk to her apartment. I open the door for her and everyone yells, “Welcome Home.” She jumps because they scared her. Fucking idiots.

“Oh my God.” She covers her mouth but she is laughing at them. They all come to greet her and I bring her bags to her room for her.

I look around thinking of the last time I was here. The last few weeks had me thinking I would never be here again. I’m so fucking grateful to have another chance. Now that there are no secrets, we will have a much stronger relationship. I will treat her with all the respect that she deserves.

I walk back out into the living room and Kenz is sitting on the couch laughing. Damn if the broken pieces of my heart don’t start putting themselves back together. I almost lost her, in more ways than one. That is something I will never forget. I sit down and pull her onto my lap.

“I need to feel you baby. It doesn’t hurt sitting on my lap right?” She kisses my chin.

“No, I promise. I need to be as close to you as possible anyway.” We turn our attention back to everyone.

“Red, do you want a drink? You earned that shit.”

I shake my head at him. “She can’t drink while taking pain pills, idiot.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Fine, but once you’re off of them, we are getting trashed.” He sits down next to Maddie and rests his hand on her thigh. I need to ask him what is going on with them.

“We ordered food, it should be here soon. I figured you would want something good after having to eat the nasty hospital food.” Dick says sipping his beer. I am so grateful for the friendship my boys have with Kenz. They love her too.

“Thanks guys. I am actually hungry for the first time.” That makes me happy because she hasn’t eaten much.

“That’s because you’re home now. You’re more relaxed than being in the hospital.” Becca explains.

“Alright, this is going to be a happy night, no bringing up bad shit. We are going to hang out, laugh, and have a great time.” Maddie yells. She is right. We don’t need to dwell on what has happened; we need to have fun.

Now that we have eaten, we are sitting around tell stories of our first time having sex. “So then she is like, hurry my dad is going to be home soon. I got so scared that I pulled out of her, threw my clothes on, and ran home.” Young says. Everyone is laughing at him.
