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Campbell flips him off and we sit down. I’m sure there is something going on with Young and Maddie, but every time I’ve brought it up to her, she won’t talk about it.

“I’m going to get another round of drinks I’ll get you guys one too.” Dick says before going up to the bar.

Once we are all a couple drinks in we start with our usual game, truth or dare. “I dare you to buy that guy a drink and when he looks at you wink.” Maddie says to Young.


one.” He gets up to have a drink sent over.

“You know one time someone is going to kick his ass.” Campbell says sipping his beer.

“That’s what makes it so much better.” Maddie says. Once he comes back from the bar and the guy looks over, he winks. I throw my head back I am laughing so hard.

“Your turn, Campbell. Truth or dare?” Young asks.

I am sitting on his lap, he kisses my neck then says, “Truth.”

“Pussy.” Dick says next to him, earning a punch in the arm.

“Alright, fine. What is your biggest fear?” Young asks.

Campbell laughs. “So fucking easy. My biggest fear is losing Kenz.” He turns me on his lap to claim my mouth. I run my hands up to his hair and he does the same.

“Holy fuck give it a rest. I’m sure you guys just had sex before you got here.” Young shouts. We pull apart smiling at each other. We did in fact have sex before coming.

“Alright, my turn, dare.” Becca says.

Campbell thinks for a minute before he comes up with something. “I dare you to go over grab a pool cue and join that game.” Becca throws her drink back and gets up.

She does in fact do the dare and we are all shocked. She seems to be coming out of her shell, becoming less shy. I’m so happy for her. I high five her when she gets back and we all laugh.

After we finish truth or dare, we are enjoying another round of drinks. There is a live band here tonight, so we are all enjoying them as well. They begin to play a slower song and Campbell whispers, “Dance with me beautiful.”

I get up and follow him onto the small dance floor. He pulls me into his arms; we dance slow and close. I look to the left and see that Young and Maddie are dancing as well. He holds her close, she has her head on his chest. I look to my right to see Dick and Becca. They are both talking and laughing while they dance.

I love them all so much. It makes my heart swell when I think about how close we all are. I started out with two best friends and now I’m lucky enough to have five. I think back to when I met Campbell here. It seems like a lifetime ago, yet like it was only yesterday. We have come so far since then, since I laid eyes on Mr. Gorgeous. I never would have thought that we would end up together. I look up at him to see he is watching me with nothing but love in his eyes.

“I love you, Campbell.”

He kisses me, rests his forehead on my, “I love you too, Kennedy.”

I never would have believed anyone if they told me how much my life would change.

The End
