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“Asshole.” I chuckle and swim closer with a bit of caution since I’m not sure if she’s going to try to drown me again. Once I reach her, I pull her toward me. She wraps her arms and legs around me. I’m kicking my feet and using one hand to hold us both afloat. With the other hand, I remove her wet hair and kiss her cold lips. We smile at each other. The mood shifts suddenly from playful to heated. I feel my cock getting hard already. I kiss her, and as always, when our tongues meet, it is fucking electric. She starts rubbing against me. Between that and the movement of the water, it is too much. I need to swim closer to shore. I break the kiss and slowly swim up to the shallows. Once I can stand, I attack her neck, and she runs her hands into my hair. I can feel her tits pushing against me because she is breathing so heavily. She turns her head to the side, giving me better access, and I kiss a path to her ear.

“Mel, I can’t get enough of you. You’re in my arms, and it doesn’t feel close enough.” I hear her sharp intake of breath at my confession.

“I feel the same way, Keith, it’s unreal.” I trudge through the water even closer to shore, and when we make it near the edge, I lie her down and situate myself on top of her. We are nothing but sloppy kisses and exploring hands. The water lapping on us just heightens the situation. I am kissing her neck and fondling her tits when she arches her back. “Fuck, this feels so good. Please, Keith, I need more.” Damn, when she begs me like that, it takes all my will power to not slam right into her. I squeeze her tits harder and bite her neck. “Fuck. Damnit, Keith, I need you to fuck me. Right here in the water.” My cock is in total agreement.

“Sweetheart, I can’t. The only condom I have is in my backpack on the blanket.” She rolls her hips, causing me to slam forward it feels so fucking good.

“I’m on the pill, you don’t need it. Just please stop making me beg.” I lift my face to look at hers. She is completely flushed with desire. Watching the water lap against her, droplets running down her angelic face, it’s overwhelming.

“Are you sure?” She lifts her head up slightly, and her green eyes tell me just how serious she is.

“Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen with us. I know you can’t stay forever, but I sure as hell know what I want and that is you. I want to experience this intimate moment with you, here at your spot, so please stop making me beg. I want to feel you.” Before she is even finished talking, I begin to unbutton her soaking wet jean shorts. I try to slowly pull them off, but damn, wet jeans are hard to remove. She helps, and her panties come off right along with the shorts. I toss them onto shore and quickly get my shorts and boxers off, adding them to the growing pile of clothes. I remove my shirt as well as hers. The only thing left is her bra, which I remove, and it lands on top of our wet clothes. I take in her wet body, watching the water roll over her pebbled nipples. I reach out and tweak them, provoking a moan out of her.

“Fuck, Mel. Seeing your flawless body soaking wet is an image I’ll never forget.” I climb on top of her and smile down at her. “We’ll figure this out, you and I. Right now, let’s just enjoy this.” Before she can respond, I slowly push inside her tight heat. Holy fuck, it feels amazing. Not having the barrier of the condom, feeling her wrapped around me, is almost my undoing.

“Oh shit. I feel your piercing so much more this way.” Her eyes are closed, but I smile anyway, knowing she likes it as much as I do. I put my hands in the sand on either side of her head and start to move. I can feel her tightening on me already, so I pick up the pace. She is meeting me thrust for thrust, making my eyes roll back in my head. She grabs onto my ass, trying to tell me she wants it harder.

“Sweetheart, tell me what you want. I want to hear you say it.” She opens her eyes, and the desire I see is unfathomable.

“Fuck me, Keith, hard.” Holy shit. I grab her hands and pin them above her head while staring at her. I use one hand to hold them there and the other I bring down to her tit. I bite onto one nipple and pinch the other while I slam into her. “Oh fuck.” She throws her head back, hitting our hands. I do this over and over, causing her to scream at one point. I feel her pussy tighten on me, and know she’s going to come. I slam into her, causing water to splash all around us, making this so much hotter. I reach down and rub tiny circles on her clit. “Shit. Oh my God, it feels so good, I’m going to come.” I nip her ear lobe and lick the sting away.

“That’s right, sweetheart, come on me. I want to feel your juices all over my cock.” She lets out a scream, and I feel her clench her hands.

“Oh, Keith!” she moans, and I start pumping into her even harder, making her orgasm go on and on. That’s one of the best parts of this cock ring, pleasing her over and over. I feel my balls tightening and my body going rigid. I’m going to come, and I get nervous and pull out, shooting my load all over her stomach and tits. I throw my head back and groan out her name.

After we both recover and begin to breathe normally, I kiss her sweetly to let her know how fucking amazing this was. I let go of her hands, and she wraps her arms around my waist, rubbing my back. She breaks the kiss and searches my eyes.

“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” She smiles and brushes some water off my face.

“Not at all. It was fucking . . . wow.” I chuckle but she begins searching my eyes again. “Why did you pull out?” I take a deep breath and move her hair off her wet face.

“I just got nervous. I’ve only done it one other time without a condom. I don’t want to get you pregnant.” Even though I can tell she appreciates my honesty, I see the confusion. “Sweetheart, don’t let your mind wonder. No, I never got anyone pregnant, but I don’t want to either, not until I’m married. I don’t want to be one of those guys who only gets to see his kid on the court-ordered days. She smiles then shifts her body a bit. I furrow my brow and look at her, and she laughs.

“Yea, this sand is starting to get in places.” I laugh and sit up. She starts to also, but I shake my head. I take handfuls of water, dumping it on her stomach, to clean off my mess. Once I’m satisfied I got it all, I take her hand and help her to stand up with me. We wrap our arms around each other and hold on for longer than one should, being that we are both naked in broad daylight.

“Let’s go get dressed.” She pulls back, and we make our way out of the water. I pull on my boxers and start handing her clothes to her. We laugh because everything is still soaking wet.

“That’s called indecent exposure.” I spin around and see a guy standing there. I pull Mel to stand behind me and keep an arm wrapped around her from behind.

“Get the fuck out of here.”

He laughs and crosses his arms. “Thompson, you know better than to break any laws around here. Should I charge you both and bring you downtown like this?” He laughs harder, and I see fucking red.

“Who the fuck are you?” He raises his eyebrows and gives me the

smuggest grin I’ve ever seen.

“You don’t know who I am? Well, some cop you are.” I pick up my T-shirt and spin around, pulling it over Mel’s head, then stomp over to this prick and get right in his face.

“You don’t know shit about me. Now take your ass out of here, because I assure you, you don’t want to see me pissed off.” He’s breathing heavily with anger, and I smirk at him.

“Keith, come on. Let’s just go.” I look back at Mel and see the look of defeat on her face. That’s when it hits me. This is Jenson, that fucking asshole cop. I look back at him and his smug ass smile.

“Listen to her, Keith. You don’t want anything ruining that NYPD reputation.” What a jealous little fuck. If I didn’t think he’d press charges, I’d punch him right in the mouth. Instead, I just continue to stare him down. He starts to feel uncomfortable and looks over at Mel.

“Don’t look at my girl.” He snaps his head to me and laughs.

“Your girl? What kinda joke is that? You live in New York City, and Mel, sweet Mel, lives here. Here with me.” I grab his shirt, and he laughs again. “I see you’re the jealous type.” I’m breathing heavily in his face, trying to get my temper under control. Fucking prick is trying to get a rise out of me, and I’m letting him. I let go and push him away.
