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“You’re dick is always in control. You think the same shit isn’t going to happen to you that is happening to Brinley? It’s going to, brother, and when it does, don’t look to me for sympathy. Now I’ve got my girl pissed at me for something I had nothing to do with. It’s you and Brinley who fucked up, and I’m the one she’s pissed at. How the fuck is that fair?” He looks up at me and shakes his head.

“I’m not pissed at you.” I spin around when I hear her voice. “I’m sorry. I had no idea, and I wa

s so unfair to you.” I throw my smoke, go over to her, and pull her into my arms. She holds on tight, and I thank God that she didn’t just leave.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have gotten so pissed at you, you didn’t know.” She shakes her head and looks up at me.

“I didn’t even give you a chance to explain, I just assumed.” I kiss her sweet lips and hold her head against my chest.

“I owe you an apology, Kallie. I’m sorry.” She turns her head to the side so she can see him.

“Jax is right, you know. You are going to fuck up your modeling career if you keep this shit up.” He nods and goes into the house, leaving us alone.

I lead her over to the chair and sit down, pulling her on my lap. “You okay?” She lets out a sigh, and I know she has something to say.

“Jax, this is the kind of shit that can happen with us, you know. It could ruin us both.” I should have known she’d go there. She’s been amazing about it this whole time.

“Baby, that won’t happen to us.” She shakes her head and I kiss it.

“You don’t know that.” I hold her tighter and lift her chin with my fingers to look at me.

“I do know. There’s a big difference between them and us. They are just fucking around, looking for the next piece of ass. You and me, we love each other. It’s just us.” She smiles, and I wink at her. “See, big difference.” I kiss her, and she moans in my mouth. She straddles me and runs her hands into my hair, looking into my eyes.

“You’re right. Thank you for fighting for me tonight and for letting me be a bitch. I love you.” I kiss her deeply, with the promise of this just being the start.

“I love you too, so fucking much.” She smiles at me, and my heart pounds in my chest. She is my everything, my entire world.

IT IS FINALLY FRIDAY. IT’S been such a long and busy week. After I left Jax’s Sunday morning, I came home and called Brinley. After avoiding me most of the day, I finally talked to her and convinced her to come over. We spend hours talking about everything. She cried a lot, apologized, and admitted everything she did with not only Blake the other night, but countless models and fans. This situation with Josh has really gotten to her, and lucky for her, nothing has come of it. I’m sure he has moved on to another model, but she got fucking lucky. That night though, we talked everything out, and I believe that when she left, she had all intentions of trying to change her ways. I really hope that is the truth, for her sake.

The rest of the week consisted of two shoots and a ton of editing, and of course, being with Jax. Even though I’m exhausted today, I’m excited because today is the shoot for Karen. She is going to meet Jax, Brinley, and I up at the park. I’ve got everything packed up, and I’m waiting for Jax to get here. Brody was nice enough to let him off work early, and I’m so grateful because it was the only time Karen could meet with us. I look down and check my bag, making sure I have everything I need. After seeing everything is there, I grab a hair tie out of the bathroom and stick it on my wrist. I go out into the living room and scream when I see Jax standing there. “Christ, you scared the shit out of me.” He laughs and pulls me in for a hug. He smells amazing, and being wrapped in his arms is like coming home. He kisses my lips, and I smile at him.

“You ready to get out of here?” I nod and he kisses me again. He grabs my bag, and I get my purse and phone. We make our way to his car, and once we are settled in, he starts it and backs out of the spot before throwing it into drive. Once we get on the road, he rests his hand on my thigh, and I place mine on top of it. “Brinley is meeting us there, right?” I break my stare out the side window and look at him.

“Yes, she’s meeting us and so is Karen, the author. I’m excited to have her input for this.” He glances at me quickly before focusing back on the road.

“You should be. This is a big deal. Did she give you any ideas of what she was looking for?” We continue talking about the shoot most of the ride. I tell him that she wants it sexy and romantic. I figured being by the waterfall would be a great place. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow night, I’m going out with the guys.” I smile and squeeze his hand.

“Alright, maybe I can get Brinley and the girls to come over so I’m not lonely in my bed.” He snaps his head to me with wide eyes, and I laugh. “Not like that, you damn perv. I meant I’m used to having you in bed with me.” He moves his hand higher up my thigh, and I stop him before he can get too close to my pussy. The last thing I need is to have wet panties through the entire shoot.

“Who said I wasn’t coming home to your bed?” I can’t help the ridiculous smile that spreads across my face.

“I just figured you’d get drunk and go home.” He stops at a light and leans over to kiss me.

“Baby, I’m only home when I’m with you.” Damn, my heart can’t take this romantic guy sometimes. “Plus, drunk sex with you is fucking amazing.” I laugh and smack his chest right as the light turns green. He laughs and rubs his chest before placing his hand back on the wheel.

“Damn, you want me marked up when I have to take my shirt off?” We both laugh, and I kiss his bicep.

“I can edit it out, don’t worry.” The rest of the ride, we talk about what else we did today. When we pull into the parking lot, I look around to see if Karen or Brinley are here yet. I see Karen standing outside her car and tell Jax to go park closer to her. He does and we climb out. He gets my bag out of the backseat, and I take it from him. I know he wants to help, but he doesn’t understand that I still need to be professional when it comes to shoots. I can’t have my sexy model boyfriend assisting me. He lights a cigarette, and I walk over to Karen to introduce myself. “Hi, Karen, I’m Kallie. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” She gives me a huge smile and pulls me in for a hug.

“I’m so excited to finally meet you. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” We talk for a few minutes, and I tell her about the waterfall, and she is nearly bursting with excitement. It makes me so happy. Jax walks over and I smile at him.

“Karen, this is Jax. Jax, Karen.” She shakes his hand and gives him a huge smile.

“Not going to lie, you are even better looking in real life.” I bite back my laugh, while he thanks her. “So, we are just waiting for Brinley?” I start getting a bit nervous, feeling like it’s my party all over again, when Brinley pulls up. I breathe out a sigh of relief and wave her over when she gets out of her car. She looks incredible, sexy short black dress, hair styled to perfection, as well as her makeup. She has on bright red heels that make her lips pop. Exquisite.

“Hey, Brin.” I give her a quick hug and turn back to Karen. I introduce them, and we start making our way back to the waterfall. I don’t know how Brinley walks through all the trails in those heels, but she doesn’t even bat an eyelash; she is a damn pro. We make it to the spot, and I place my bag down. “Alright, so let’s just start with a few shots standing in front of the lake before we move closer to the waterfall.” I turn to Karen for approval, and she nods her head excitedly. I get my camera out and place the strap around my neck. We get closer to the water, and since Jax and Brinley are professionals, they know exactly where to stop without me even needing to say. “I want to do a few different ones here. Jax, get behind her and wrap your arms around her. Brin, head back and turned.” Once again, they just know exactly what I’m looking for. Seeing Jax with his colorful, muscular arms around Brinley, her head resting against him, is a little harder than I thought. I shake my head and remind myself this is a job, for all of us. I take several angles of them before he turns her and runs his hands down to her ass, and she grips onto his shirt. They look into each other’s eyes, and holy shit, it’s a sexy shot.

“Wow, that is amazing,” I hear Karen say under her breath, and it just motivates me more. I don’t need to give much instruction; they both know how to make each shot sexy as hell.
