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“Alright, listen up. You’ve all goofed off enough. I need you all as close as possible, but continue doing what you’re doing. I just need you all closer and looking at me. I want a few serious faces before we get some smiles.” Immediately, everyone shuts up and does exactly as we are told. Brinley is still in my arms, Max is still on Blake’s back, and the others are either holding someone or on someone’s back. Without further instruction, we all look at Kallie. Even though my hands are touching this sexy woman, my cock is focused on Kallie. Shit, this can’t be good. We have a long day of being around each other. I need to get my shit under control here. I take a few deep breaths through my nose and focus on the shoot and nothing else. I look at the camera, not the flawless woman behind it.

I feel like we’ve been doing this group shoot forever when Kallie finally tells us excellent job and to follow her back up the beach. I put Brinley down, and she races off to Kallie. Interesting. I slowly start following them when I feel a slap on my back. “She’s great, isn’t she?” I look over at Max and grin.

“From what I can tell, hell yes. She seems really devoted and confident. I like that.” He nods his head in agreement, as we reach the spot Kallie is waiting for us. We all stand around waiting to see what she has planned next.

“First of all, those shots came out fucking amazing. I’m really pleased with them, so thank you all so much for humoring me with that. I’ve got a lot I want to get through today, so let’s get right back to it. I’ll start with the guys, since there are more of you. I want to do a few group shots and then individual. I want to do the group shots up here on the rocks. Do you think it’s possible for you guys to carefully climb up on the rocks? Spread out, I don’t want you on top of each other this time. When we are done, I’ll do another shoot down by the water before we do individual.” Once again, without another word, we all make our way up on the rocks. Once she has us move left or right, up or down, and tells some of us to stand, others to sit, and others to squat, she begins snapping again. She gets right up there in the rocks with us, and I find it so amazing that she is so invested in what she is doing. You can actually feel the enthusiasm, which honestly makes me more into the shoot. I can’t remember if I’ve ever felt this compelled to prove myself before, and it’s not because she is drop dead gorgeous, it’s because I want to be every bit as good as she is.

We do several different shots on the rocks, some with our shirts, som

e without. Once she is satisfied, she instructs us to climb down and tells us to wait while she does the girls. Just watching, I can tell how great these photos are going to be. “Damn, Jax, I haven’t seen you stare at someone like that since . . . shit, I’ve never seen it. You think she’s hot, right?” I look over at Blake a little more pissed off than is necessary. I do think she is hot, but that’s not why I’m watching; well, it’s not the only reason I’m watching. It pisses me off that he suggests that or that possibly he is looking at her thinking she is hot.

“Actually, asshole, I’m intrigued how she works. I’ve never worked with a photographer like her before, and don’t even tell me you have, because I know you haven’t.” He laughs and slaps my back.

“Alright, brother, keep telling yourself that.” I simply raise my eyebrows and take a sip of my water. He holds up his hands and steps back. “I know that look. I’ll shut up.” I don’t even say anything because he’s right, he does know that look. I beat his ass once for trying to hook up with a close friend when we were in high school. He knows I’d do it again. He changes the subject to what we will have for lunch.

“Fuck, Blake, you just ate breakfast two hours ago.” He shrugs his shoulders, looking at me like a man-child. “You’re an idiot. I don’t know. Maybe we can go grab a burger or something when it’s time, alright?” I turn from him to go talk with the other guys, and before I know it, Kallie is back calling each of us individually for shots. I’m glad I’m not the first to go. I want to get a feel for what she is doing, although she could very well have something different planned for each of us. What the fuck do I know?

After doing individual shots for everyone except for me, Brinley, and another girl, Kallie finally calls me. I follow her down to the water, and once we are there, it is straight to work. “Take your shirt off, cross your arms, and give me a serious look.” I toss my shirt behind her and do exactly as she says. “Perfect, now I want you on your knees, hands in your hair, looking up at the sky.” Shot after shot, she tells me exactly what she wants, but it’s the last two that really intrigue me. “I want you on your stomach, arms stretched out right where the waves lap onto the beach.” The waves lapping on my hot body are a much-needed relief from the hot sun and photographer. “Now flip onto your back, and put your arms under your head, and close your eyes.” Once I do that, I can hear the clicking of the camera, and then I feel her legs straddle me as she is standing over me. I’ve never been more grateful in my life to have my eyes closed. “Damn, Jax, these are amazing. You can rinse off now.” I sit up and she smiles at me. I’m so caught off guard that I don’t notice the sound of the wave, and it smacks me in the face, knocking me backward. I stand up quickly and look at her. She has her hand over her mouth, and her eyes are the size of half dollars. “Holy shit, are you alright?” I laugh through my embarrassment.

“I’m fine.” I walk into the water and go under with the next wave, getting as much sand off me as possible. I turn to walk back up and there is Kallie snapping away. “You never let an opportunity pass you by, do you?” She laughs and continues to snap more even as I wipe my face of the water dripping down.

“Honestly, Jax, no, I never let an opportunity pass me. We just met so you don’t know that, but ask Brinley. We’ve been friends since college. She’ll tell you how I am.” She laughs while shaking her head.

“Kallie, I have to say I’ve never met anyone like you.” She smiles, but I can tell she’s not sure if that is a compliment or not. “That’s a good thing, believe me. I’ve never seen a photographer more passionate before. It’s been amazing to watch, honestly.” I am rewarded with that genuine smile.

“That means more to me then you could ever imagine. Alright, let’s head back so I can finish up these shots. I’m fucking starving. You can go grab lunch now if you want. After I finish with Brinley and Melanie, we will have an hour or so break. So go enjoy, but just be back here at three o’clock.” I stop walking, reach out, and touch her arm. She stops and looks at me.

“Do you like burgers?” She just stares at me. I laugh and ask again, “Do you like burgers?”

“Umm, yes?” I smirk at her confusion.

“I’m going to grab some burgers with Blake and the guys. I’ll bring you back one. How do you like it?”

“Oh no, you don’t need to do that.” I stand in front of her and realize just how much taller I am.

“If you don’t tell me how you like it, I’ll bring it back the way I like it.” It doesn’t take her long to tell me just how she likes her burger. I give her a wink, and we walk back up to everyone. She calls Brinley down for her shoot, while the rest of us go to grab some lunch. I made sure to ask Brinley and Melanie what they wanted to eat as well. I’m not an asshole; I couldn’t bring Kallie back food and not the other girls.

It takes us a good half hour to get the food before we head back to the beach. Some of them stay and eat there, but most of us go back. “What are you trying to be class pet or some shit?” I glance over at Blake before looking back at the road.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He switches the radio station and drums his fingers on his lap.

“You know exactly what I mean.” He’s right. I’ve never gone out of my way to make sure a photog gets lunch, but in my defense, we’ve never done a shoot like this. “Think it through all you want, brother, but you’ve got a hard-on for Kallie.” Douche bag is right, I do.

“I’ll admit is she fucking stunning, and I am intrigued by her, but I’m not stupid enough to fuck up the chance at working with an amazing photographer.” He chuckles as I park the car.

“Jax, sometimes I think you forget just how well I know you.” I get out and slam the door because son of a bitch, he’s right.

THIS DAY SO FAR HAS surpassed my expectations. The weather is perfect, the setting is breathtaking, and the models are awe-inspiring. The chemistry with all of them as a whole is amazing. When I was eating my lunch that Jax so generously got for me, I flipped through some of the photos and I’ll admit I’m proud of myself. I can’t wait to get home and get them all on my computer to start editing. “Kallie, did you say I was shooting next with Jax?” I look over at Melanie and smile. Everyone wants to shoot with Jax; hell, I was taken back when I first saw him. Of course, I knew who he was; you’d have to live under a rock not to know, but holy fuck, in person, I can honestly say I’ve never met a sexier man. His blue eyes hold such intensity and mystery, his body is . . . shit let’s be honest here, makes you want to rip off the rest of his clothes. He’s muscular and the way the tattoos wrap around his arms, damn, it just makes him that much hotter. “Kallie?” I snap my head up to Melanie. Fuck, I forgot she was talking.

“Sorry, sweetie, it’s been a long day. Yes, I want a few shots of you with Jax. Then I’ll finish off with Jax and Brinley. That way everyone has been photographed with everyone.” She gives me a huge smile as she walks away, and my stomach tightens a bit. Well, what the fuck is that? I see models hooking up all the time, why should it bother me now? I shake my head to clear it of these unnecessary thoughts and pick up my camera. “We are almost done, guys. I need Jax and Melanie for a few shots, and I’ll finish up with Brinley and Jax. I want to get a few shots of all of you at sunset, so don’t go too far.” They are all just laughing and having a great time, which makes me happy because I want them to enjoy working with me. I make my way down to the water once Jax and Melanie head down.

When I get down there, they are talking, and Melanie is definitely bringing out the full flirt—laughing, light touching, pushing your tits out. Yep, she’s full flirting. “Alright, guys, just a few shots, I know it’s been a long-ass day. I want these to be intimate. Jax, I want you to hold Melanie close to you, maybe run your fingers down her face or touch her hair, but I want you both staring into the other’s eyes.” I change lenses on the camera before putting the camera strap around my neck. “I’m ready when you are.” Jax wraps one of his strong tattooed arms around her waist, resting his hand low on her hip. He gently pulls her close and drags his thumb down her cheek. I actually witness her gasp. I can’t stop snapping; it is stunning. They are both so amazing at what they do; no further instructions are needed. He rests his forehead on hers and cups her face with both hands, and he kisses her forehead before moving down and pressing his lips to hers. I’m not going to lie; it’s fucking sensual and one hell of a turn on.

“What the fuck!” I pull the camera away and see Jax step away, staring angrily at Melanie.

“What’s wrong?” I look at both of them completely lost. Jax just continues to stare down Melanie, and her face reads of complete embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. I guess I was just in the moment.” He shakes his head and finally looks over at me.
