Page 15 of Renegade

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“I’m just hanging out with her. I know she’s got a man back home. She mentioned last night she wants to see the city and since Nate and Poppy have plans, I’m stepping in.” It’s a lie, a complete and utter lie. Nate had no plans with Poppy until I suggested he take her to a romantic dinner. I wanted to have Brooklyn to myself and I knew Poppy would get in my way.

“You’re full of shit. Don’t do anything that either of you will regret. You have a name to protect and she’s got a boyfriend. A lot of people could get hurt here,” Nate says, knowing full well I planned his night.

“You think I don’t know that? I’m not going to do anything, no one is going to get hurt. Chill the fuck out,” I say, defensively.

“Well, I sure hope you know what you’re doing,” Nate says before getting up and answering his phone.

I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, but I’ll never tell anyone that. As far as they know, I’ve got it all under control. They’ve always thought of me as the leader, even back when we were in high school. If I told them it was a good idea, they believed it. Now as the lead singer of Renegade, it’s still the same. If I tell them the opening act is worth giving a chance or a song needs changing or that the groupies aren’t worth it, they believe me. I’ve never once taken advantage of that, it’s always been my honest opinion. Although, I will give myself a pat on the back, because I’m usually right.

“Fitz, remember on the way home when I told you on the bus about finding someone? Is that what you’re thinking is going to happen with Brooklyn?” Ralph asks.

“Honestly Ralph, I’m not looking for happily ever after. I’m just looking for happily right now. I’m not going to do anything she or I regret. You all just need to relax. Go out and get laid,” I say and finish off my beer.

“Hey Fitz, you ready?” Nate asks as he hangs up the phone. “Poppy said they are ready and I’m not going to keep my girl waiting.”

I hop in Nate’s jeep with him, and on the ride over I call my car service and tell them to meet us over at Poppy’s. He shakes his head the whole time I’m on the phone, but I just pretend I don’t see it. I mean for Christ sake, he’s sleeping with our manager. Shit goes wrong with them and who knows what will happen with our band. I’m only trying to get to know Brooklyn better. He has no place to say shit to me.

We pull up at Poppy’s and she waits in the parking garage. “Brooklyn will be right down,” she says and kisses Nate through his open window. “Oh and Fitz.” I turn to look at her and she winks at me. “She looks fucking amazing.”

I chuckle and give her a half grin as she climbs into the passenger seat. Watching them pull away, I hear the elevator and turn to see if it’s Brooklyn. It is and holy shit, my jaw damn near hits the pavement of the parking garage. My heart thumps with each step she takes toward me. My mouth waters with the need to feel her lips pressed against mine. “Fuck, you’re breath taking.”

“If it’s too much I have another outfit upstairs.” She fidgets with the straps of her dark-green silky dress and runs her hands down her side. My eyes drop to the slit rising up her thigh showing off her tanned, long legs.

“It’s not too much,” I choke out. What is wrong with me? My hands shake as I pull her against me, unsure which is softer, her skin or the silk. I take a deep breath as my stubbled jaw rubs along the curly strands of her hair, which is up, giving me a clear view of her sexy shoulders. Her makeup is dark and deep, and I can’t stop fucking staring at her.

Pulling apart she looks over her shoulder. “Holy shit a limo?” She gasps and looks at me.

“It’s easier this way. Peering eyes can’t see through the darkened windows,” I say as I tap my pointer finger along her nose. She scrunches her face and smiles as I help her into the limo.

I go to the driver and tell him all my plans. He takes notes and tells me he’s got it under control, but not before telling me what a huge fan he is. Thankfully, he doesn’t ask for a picture or autograph, which is why I always use this service. I’ve had some where the drivers were more excited to be with me than the people I was with. After telling him my thanks will reflect in his tip, I get in with Brooklyn.

“Fitz, this is all so much, too much,” she says, looking around.

I move to sit next to her and rest my arm on the seat behind her. “It’s not too much, I often travel like this. I should let you know that I do it for a reason though.” She looks at me with big eyes and I laugh. “No, not for sex. Although if that’s what you want…” I raise my eyebrows and she nervously drops her head and shakes it. I lift her chin and lie with a smile on my face. “I’m kidding.” She’s so damn shy and I don’t know why, but I find it so fucking sexy. If this was any other girl, I’d have the limo taking her back already. “I do it because this way fans don’t know it’s me. I can at least get to where I’m going without a crowd or the paparazzi all over me.”

She chews on that goddamn red bottom lip and fuck I want to lean over and suck it into my mouth. She doesn’t even realize something she does all the time is turning me on. She releases her lip and looks at me. “So there will be crowds and paparazzi when we get out of the limo?”

“Well, no, not right away. It will take someone to notice me, but I can’t lie, it may happen,” I say, resting my hand on her bare shoulder.

“What if people think we are together? Or what if they take a photo of us together?” she questions, full of nerves.

“Don’t worry so much. I have a big night planned and the last thing I want is for you to be nervous. There’s nothing to worry about. Most of the time we’ll be in the limo and when we aren’t, I’ve got that covered too.” I take a chance and rest my hand on her knee, feeling her tense momentarily. I tighten my grip when she eases and I smile. “Can you trust me and just relax?”

She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly and nods her head. “I’ll try,” she says, glancing out the window. “Where are we going?”

“Well Brooklyn, I figured since your man won’t call you by the beautiful name you have, that I’d show you the difference,” I say and give her a wink.

“Show me the difference?” she asks, generally confused.

“Between Brooklyn the beautiful, sexy woman and Brooklyn the borough.”

She looks at me with wide eyes and I smile.

“This bridge we are coming up to, is the Brooklyn Bridge. Now if you ask me, there is no competition between you and this bridge.” I pull her a bit closer, keeping my arm around her.

“This is very sweet Fitz. I have always wondered what it would look like,” she says, keeping her focus outside.

After driving through Brooklyn and rece
