Page 7 of Renegade

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“Holy shit, you look gorgeous. Go look at yourself and then we need to get the hell out of here,” she says putting everything away.

I walk over to her full length mirror and stop short when I see my reflection. I know it’s me, but it doesn’t look like me at all. I look sexy, flirty and hot. My hair is similar to Poppy’s and my makeup is heavy making my green eyes pop. The skirt and shirt, she was right, complete the look she created.

“Poppy, you made me beautiful,” I say, turning back to her.

“I didn’t make you beautiful, you are beautiful. I simply accentuated that beauty.”

“I just feel like I’m pretending to be someone I’m not,” I say and sit down on the bed.

She walks over and sits next to me, wrapping her arm around me. “You want to know what I think?” I raise my eyebrows and she laughs. “I’ll tell you anyway. I think it’s time for you to experience things. You’ve been hiding in your routine and letting Hank dictate how things will be. Honey, no man should ever make you feel anything less than perfect and he doesn’t do that for you. The only tears a man should cause, are tears of joy. I think you’re a beautiful woman, with sexual needs that aren’t being met. I think there’s a party girl inside that is begging to come out. I’m here to help with all of that.”

I can feel myself getting emotional and I blink back the tears to not mess up my makeup. “Thanks Poppy. I’m not sure it’s all true, but I appreciate it either way.”

She stands up and hands me a pair of gold heels. “Oh believe me, it’s all true. Now come on, the band is waiting for us to go on stage.”

We grab a cab and with my stomach in my throat, we head to the club. According to Poppy, this club ‘Train’ is where the band got its start. She said they party here all the time and the band will sometimes surprise the patrons with a few songs. Tonight she says they are doing just that and then we have a private party upstairs. It all sounds so scary and a little exciting at the same time. This is the life Poppy lives and it is pretty cool to see it for myself.

When we pull up to Train, Poppy grabs my hand and nods to the bouncer as she rushes by. We bump into sweaty people everywhere as she leads me to a dimly-lit table in the back. “Brooklyn, we need to find the band, I need to introduce them.

I look around at the insane amount of people and shake my head. “You go. I’ll stay right here, but please come right back.” I’ll just slow her down if I tag along, it’s easier for her if she goes alone.

Rushing off with her phone to her ear, she disappears in the crowd. I suddenly feel extremely alone and vulnerable. I look around and notice how huge this place is. The floors are all destressed wood and the walls are all brick. The lighting is mixed throughout, some parts are brighter than others. There is a huge bar behind me and a stage in front of me. There are booths and free standing tables. To my right, there is a large cast iron staircase that leads upstairs. If I wasn’t such a nervous person, I’d move from this spot, but my feet are rooted in place waiting for Poppy to come back.

“Hello Train!” I hear as the music cuts off. I look up to the stage and there is Poppy. It brings a smile to my face seeing my friend up there, so full of confidence. “Most of you know who I am, so you probably know what I’m going to say. However, for those of you who don’t, I’m Poppy Lomax the manager of Renegade.” The screams are deafening and as I look around I realize that Poppy has the attention of everyone in this club. “My beautiful friend is visiting and my boys wanted to welcome her. Let’s hear it for Renegade.” As Poppy begins to move to the side, the band comes rushing on stage. Her boyfriend, Nate, grabs her and kisses her right on stage, in front of everyone. There are screams and whistling and it is surreal to watch. Seeing Nate kiss her like that, not caring who sees or what they think, makes me wish I had someone like that. Someone who would kiss me in front of the world.

I briefly close my eyes and right as I open them I hear a voice that sends chills through me. A deep and sexy demanding voice, begging you to listen. “Hello Train. Are you ready to rock?” I’m fixated on this man, the lead singer. He has short dark hair, a shirt with what looks like it may say, sex, drugs and rock and roll, but that’s not what I focus on. I stare at the way it clings to his body and showcases all the muscles lying beneath. He has on jeans that seem to be worn in places and I wonder if they are old or if that is purposely done. I’ve never seen someone that looks like him before and I’m intrigued. The band starts to softly play a few notes and I’m still watching the lead singer as he holds tightly to the microphone. “Brooklyn, welcome to New York. This one’s for you.”

My heart begins to beat frantically in my chest, hearing my name fall from those lips is one of the most exciting moments of my life. It is definitely a moment I will revisit forever. The way I feel right now, the excitement, the arousal, just from hearing someone’s voice, is something I’ll never forget.

After singing a few of our most popular songs, the guys and I get off stage. It’s always great coming back here to Train. If it wasn’t for this place, who knows if we would ever have been discovered. I will always be grateful to this place and always consider it home.

Everyone rushes upstairs to meet Poppy’s friend, but I stop off at the bar first. I get to the front and order a Kick In The Balls. It’s just the shot I need to get this night going. As it’s placed in front of me, I feel someone brush up against my side and drop down some money. “It’s on me,” she coos, giving me her fuck me eyes.

I turn my body just enough so that she is now pressed up against me. Tossing back the shot I give her a grin. “Thanks doll. Anyway I can pay you back?”

She gives me a devilish grin and looks up as if she’s thinking. “Oh, I think I can think of a way.”

I grab her hand and lead her toward the back room. It’s nothing great, just a supply room really, but it’s got a couch and hell I don’t even need that. We walk inside and I lock the door behind us. “Classy,” she says, looking around.

“Take it or leave it sweetheart,” I whisper and move closer to her.

“Considering the prize, I think I’ll stay,” she says as she starts to pull her dress up.

“Leave it on. I have somewhere I need to be.” She drops it like it’s on fire and stands completely still while I unbuckle my jeans. “Take off your panties,” I demand as I free my cock from its confines of my boxers. When I reach her I pull her against me and grab onto her hair, yanking her head back. I kiss a path from her neck to her ear and whisper, “Do you want me to fuck your mouth or your pussy?”

She lets out a soft moa

n and reaches her hands down for my cock. “How about both?”

“I told you, I have somewhere I need to be,” I growl at her.

“Fine, Christ. Whatever happened to foreplay? Since I’ll get nothing out of it, pussy it is,” she says with disgust in her voice.

I let go of her hair and step back. I lick my lips and give her a slight nod. She bites her lip before giving me an approving smile. “Foreplay is for couple’s sweetheart. And attitudes before fucking are not for me.” I tuck myself away and head for the door. Fuck this, there are plenty of women here that would let me fuck them on the bar in front of everyone if I asked. I don’t need this shit from her just because she bought me a drink.

“Wait, Fitz. I’m sorry,” she begs as I reach the door.

I turn my head and wink at her. “You should be. You have no idea what you just missed out on.” I toss a twenty down on the couch and open the door. “Thanks for the drink.”
