Page 77 of Beautiful Chances

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“Mia?”I questioned, confused by what the hell she was doing. Rather than answering me, she shushed me as she continued working her tongue and lips up and down every inch of my arm.

“I love you, Coen. You belong to me, and I keep what’s mine. But can you promise me that there’s nothing else?”There was a steely quality to her voice.

Confused, I asked, “Are you okay? I know I just dumped a lot on you. I mean, if you want to cancel tonight, I’ll understand.”

I know I told her earlier that we couldn’t get rid of Neil without my dad’s help, and it’s the truth. But I’m not going to force her to spend time with them now. After everything I’ve thrown at her, I’ll go talk to them myself if needed. Fuck, maybe I should have told her about my dad’s role in body disposal, but… It feels like betraying him. However, not telling her feels like I’m lying to her.

“No,”she almost shouted. “Even though it won’t be easy seeing your mom and dad, I need to. If your dad will help with Neil, I won’t be hiding away. I wouldn’t, anyway. They’re your family. You met mine, and it’s time I met yours.” I wish I knew where Mia gets her strength from.

I told her about what the sperm donor did to my mom, to me. What I did to him and all my pets. I laid out every crime I have committed, not pussyfooting around the sordid and gory details. Yet, her only concern is my family and me.

If I didn’t already know I’m head over heels for Mia, there can be no doubt now. Seeing her cry for my mom and me while simultaneously not condemning me for my crimes… Fuck me, that broke something inside me.

A part of me has always felt as though Mia is too good for me, like I don’t deserve her. I probably don’t. It doesn’t matter though. She’s made it clear she’s choosing my brothers and me, leaving no room for discussion.

“I might take you up on that one day, Mia,” Dad says. “The missus and I could do with some dance lessons. We have an anniversary coming up this year, you see. So, if you’re serious, we’d be happy to pay you.”

Laughing, Mia answers him. “Your money’s no good with me, James. But I would be happy to help you out.”

I’m still not entirely sure how this came up, which is typical for Dad. He’s the king of making people open up, and that is an accomplishment with Mia. He asked her if she’d found a new job, and then she told him we’d suggested she could teach—and they both went with it. I wonder if they will ever take the other up on it… What am I thinking? Of course, Dad will.

“Here we are. Home sweet home,” he sings and turns off the car.

Mom is already standing in the doorway, beaming at us as we walk up to her.

“Coen, it’s been too long.” I bend down and kiss her cheek. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mia. Please come inside, you must be starving.” I watch as Mom pulls my girlfriend in for a hug, and I notice how she stiffens in my mom’s arms.

“Alright, let’s get inside,” I prompt.

I can’t help but wonder what Mia thought it would be like to meet my mom, but if her stiff posture is anything to go by, she wasn’t expecting the friendly greeting she got. After meeting Mia’s mom, I’m not surprised, though—and that’s sad.

“Your dad is cooking, so you can stay here and help him while I give Mia a tour of the house.” Mom uses her no-nonsense tone, and I know it’s because she wants to talk with Mia alone.

Ever since New Year’s Eve, Mom has contacted me almost daily to ask if Mia is ready to meet her, and until now, the answer has been no. Maybe I shouldn’t have made that decision without asking her, but it just never seemed like the right time to bring it up.

Following Dad to the kitchen, I watch the two women walk away together. Mia is wearing high-heeled boots that make her almost tower over my small mom. They’re both wearing their hair in a ponytail, one a mixture of dark brown and pink, the other light brown with hints of silver. Where Mia is all dressed for success, my mom is dressed for comfort—yet both women are holding their heads high and their shoulders square. I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated the silent strength they both carry.

“She’s one hell of a woman. You need to hold on to her,” Dad says, mirroring the thoughts I just had.

I grin and say, “Oh, I plan on it. She’s ours.”

Dad rumbles his agreement and pulls something from the fridge that looks suspiciously like one of Mom’s casseroles. “Your mom made this earlier, so we just need to reheat it. She also baked blueberry pies. You know she always keeps her promise.”

Laughing, I nod because I shouldn’t be surprised by this. When Alec and I were here before Christmas, Mom declared she wouldn’t bake pies until she met Mia. I can just imagine my dad returning home from work and telling Mom about my call, only to be sent out to shop for blueberries.

Expecting Dad to put the casserole on the stove, I cock a brow in surprise when he just leans against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.

“I don’t know how long they will be, so let’s give them a head start,” he says with a smile.

After half an hour, my stomach is growling, and I try to sneak a spoonful of the deliciously smelling food that’s now simmering on the stove. “No, we wait for the ladies,” is all Dad says, not showing any signs of impatience.

Even after all these years, Dad is so in love with Mom that he’d hop around on one leg inside the house if she told him to. In his world, her word is the law.

After another twenty minutes, Mom comes back alone. “Right, let’s sit down,” she says, not addressing Mia’s absence until she notices me looking expectantly at her. “Mia is in the bathroom. She’ll join us soon,” Mom adds with a smile on her lips.

Dad and I barely manage to get everything placed on the table before Mia joins us. There’s a bright smile on her lips when she turns to my dad and says, “Did you cook, James?”

Although I’m shocked to see that Mia’s eyes are red-rimmed, Mom laughs good-naturedly at Mia’s question before I can ask why she’s been crying. “In our house, we try to make our meals teamwork. I cooked earlier, and now he’s heating it up.” Mom takes Mia’s hand, leading her to the table.
