Page 94 of Beautiful Chances

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“So,NewYorkthis weekend?” CJ asks, sounding as exhausted as I feel. Fuck, as we all feel.

“That’s the plan,” Mia agrees, turning in my lap so she can look at CJ as he leans against the kitchen counter.

Alec and CJ are in the kitchen while Mia and I are looking at flights in the living room.

“Come on, sweets. Just look at another company,” I implore for the third time. Shaking her head, she keeps tapping away on the laptop. “This is a waste of money,” I grumble when she ignores my plea for her not to buy the tickets.

The only tickets left are Business Class with the airline she’s chosen, and the astronomical charge isn’t worth it. Especially not when we’re not even going to be using them.

“Just let it go,” she murmurs. “I’m sure it’s cheaper than if we had to pay Martin for using his jet.”

Yes, I’m sure that’s true. But since we aren’t paying Martin, why not save her money for something she actually wants?

“Besides, it’s important to me that we go. My family has now been dragged into it. If this is the price of going there and… I don’t even know, Kas. Please don’t argue with me over money, especially not now.”

Mia completely lowers her walls for the first time tonight, letting me see just how vulnerable and scared she really is. “Of course, sweets.” She murmurs a hushed thank you before completing the purchase.

Right now, I’ll promise her any-fucking-thing.

“Brought you a beer,” CJ says as soon as he and Alec join us.

“Did you bring me one?” Mia asks, and when CJ shakes his head, she snatches mine out of my hand. “Ahh, refreshing.” I don’t think I have ever seen her drink a beer, and she’s consistently declined when we have offered her one.

Mia’s bottle is empty within just a few minutes, prompting Alec to dryly ask, “Trying to get drunk?”

“Why not?” she quips. “I think we should all let loose for tonight.” There’s a hint of sadness in her tone that makes my heart ache.

Looking between my brothers, I notice them sporting the same solemn expression I’m sure is etched into my face. Alec will never admit it in a million years, but I know this has to be hitting him extra hard. He and Mia always put the world’s weight on their shoulders, and I know my brother feels he should have figured this out a long time ago.

“Do you guys have anything stronger?” Mia asks, getting out of my lap.

CJ takes Mia’s hand and pulls her out of my lap. “Let’s go see what we have.”

I think Mia is right, judging by the flashes of anguish in Alec’s eyes. Why not get fucking hammered? We’re in so much shit, but there’s nothing we can do. Alcohol might just be what we need tonight.

“This isn’t your fault, you know.” Standing up, I walk over to Alec. “None of us saw it coming. The clues were in front of us, but we’ve been so focused on the big things that the smaller ones have slipped through the cracks. This is on all of us, brother.” I slap his back, surprised but pleased when he returns the gesture in an awkward back-slap slash hug.

“I know,” he whispers. “Even though I know it’s not all on me, I still feel like I failed her.”

“We all do,” I reply. Granted, it’s not much of an assurance, it’s the truth, though.

“To you,” Alec says, raising his beer and clinking the bottle against Mia’s.

It’s a little after midnight, and we’ve only had… A few shots and three beers, I think. Or was it four? Wait, it could be five because there are… Fuck it, I can’t count the bottles because the fuckers keep multiplying. It would be neat if we didn’t have to tidy up tomorrow, and I don’t think they’ll let me skip helping because the bottles keep getting more.

Hmm, getting more? Can you even say that? Ah, hell if I know or care.

“I want to be part of it,” CJ sings while absentmindedly spinning what looks like two bottles with one hand. Hmm, I’ll have to ask him how he’s doing that.

It’s possible I’m drunker than I first thought. We haven’t stopped drinking since we got home, which I guess makes more sense than the bottles… No, wait, they just did it again.

“Why are you looking at the bottles like they’ve offended you?” Mia giggles and pokes me with her foot.

How have I never noticed before that she has more than five toes? I mean, I’m not going to bring it up now. That just seems rude. But seriously, it seems like a thing I’d remember.

“What the hell is he on about? I don’t have more than five toes!” Mia indignantly squeals, and I can’t stop myself from laughing. Grabbing her foot, I lick across each toe, counting them with my tongue. “Oh, that’s… I didn’t think I’d like that, but it feels—” A moan escapes her lips as I bite down on her big toe.

Alec and Mia are sitting on the couch while CJ and I are on the floor. This gives me the perfect position to continue kissing and licking her foot, which I have to admit only has five toes. It also means I can see her red thong since she shed her skirt in favor of one of Alec’s t-shirts.
