Page 10 of Richmond’s Legacy

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I took a moment to stare out into the darkness, concentrating on my breathing, trying once again to regain control of my emotions before driving over to pick up my mom. That fat goose Greer hated had waddled toward Eugenia’s Miata and was pecking at a tire, viciously scoring it with its beak.

Pop that tire, Garbage. Do it.

A sharp knock inches from my ear scared the shit out of me. Eugenia. There was no way she could have known I was cheering on the goose, but I felt guilty all the same. Eugenia had a way of making you feel guilty.

I rolled down the window. She’d changed into a pair of slacks and a navy blue fishermen’s sweater.

“Good evening, Jace Blackwell. I’m glad I caught you.”

“Is something wrong with Greer?”

“No, she’s resting. The doctor has come and gone.”

“What did he say?”

“He said…not that I was listening, you understand. Greer has a right to privacy.”

Translation—don’t tell Greer I was eavesdropping.

“I understand.”

“The pills our darling girl ingested weren’t Valium after all…”

Seconds ticked by—did she want me to guess?

“Eugenia,” I said in warning.

“She took Ecstasy. Ecstasy. Can you imagine?”

I didn’t move a muscle as my brain worked through the possibilities.

“Are you saying she took it on purpose?”

“I wish I knew,” Eugenia said, giving an innocent shrug. “All I know is the doctor put her on daily antianxiety medication so she can begin her journey of recovery.”

Again, my face gave nothing away. “And why should I trust you? Greer told me you’ve been acting strangely since she came back—when you were around at all.”

“Well, did Greer also tell you that our parting seven years ago was a bit…dramatic? I still wrote to her—I’ve been writing to her for years. I didn’t know what to expect when she showed up, but I tried to give her space. I’m trying to be a decent step-grandmother. I don’t know what more you’d have me do. If you don’t believe me about the Ecstasy, ask her yourself.”

Eugenia had no reason to lie. The first time I met her, she’d come across as…eccentric, at best. Gossipy at worst. I take that back; Eugenia’s ‘worst’ was that she stood by while her daughter was abused. But I suspected she herself was an early victim of Sterling’s, and that shit could fuck with your head. Greer thought Eugenia was spending Sterling’s money on herself instead of the house. But honestly, after the life she’d been forced to lead, did that make her a bad person? After all, she was here, comforting Greer when I couldn’t. There was a lot going on in Eugenia’s head, no doubt, but it wasn’t hard to make sense of her motives. Justify them, even.

“I apologize, Eugenia. Thank you for the information. I need to get going.”

“You’re not going to come back in and see Greer before you leave? She’s been waiting for you.”

“Not tonight. Tell her…”


“Nothing. Never mind. I have someplace I need to be. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
