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Her explanation moved over me like gibberish.

“Marina! What. The. Fuck. Happened?” I yelled.

“Jace, I—”

“I fucked her last night right over there,” I said, gesturing to the couch, hoping the truth hurt. Judging by the look on her face, it did. “And again, down there on the floor. She was happy. Healthy. I leave for a few hours—a few short hours—and I come back to her…drugged? Drugged out of her mind on whatever the fuck you gave her, about to fall to her death?”

Tears dripped from Marina’s eyes as I stalked to the door, backing her farther out into the hallway.

“I didn’t give her any—”

“Save it!” I snapped. “Just stay the fuck away from us.”

Eugenia chose that moment to appear behind my verbal punching bag, clucking her tongue at me.

“Jace Blackwell. Your language is unattractive.”

She softened her demeanor. “Marina, I believe it’s past time for you to go home, dear.”


“We’ll be sure to keep you updated on what I’m certain will be a full recovery.”

“Eugenia, I didn’t—”

“I know, dear. We’ll figure it out.”

Marina shot me a look filled with longing, but I turned away in disgust.

I hadn’t thought about her once since I’d put my hands on Greer. It was unsettling that just a few weeks ago, I thought I might have loved her. That maybe I could make a life with her. She was nothing to me now, nothing compared to the disheveled woman lying in that bed.

Part of me wanted to run, to distance myself from this house and this woman who needed me. Instead, I slammed the door closed with enough force to shake Richmond House’s foundation, shutting myself inside.
