Page 16 of Brutal Bargain

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Gage: Remember to wear layers.

Remi:Yeah, yeah—I heard you.

Gage: Stick to the shadows, and not just because ragers are out. Humans are just as dangerous.

Remi:You’ve said that, what…five times??? If you were really concerned, you’d come get me.

Gage: Do not engage with a rager unless you absolutely must. Then do so quickly—

Remi:A bat to the head, not that you like bats, but it’s what I got.

Gage: And remember—do nothing to rouse them. Even if it’s to bring their attention elsewhere. They go dormant with inactivity and are easy to navigate, but once roused, they’re hyper-alert.

Remi:Yep, let sleeping zombies lie.

Gage: You’re not going to have the radio with you, so I can’t warn you of threats. When the sun sets, if you’re not at the bus, I’ll assume you’re a rager.

Yeah, a real Prince Charming…

Remi:The radio isn’t that big. Can I lug it with me and plug it in along the way if I need to?

Gage: Not many buildings have electricity. I think the only reason yours does is because there’s a Space Gazers nearby. Since it dealt with space and military technology, it had a unique setup you benefited from.


Gage: Again, avoid people at all costs. There are more sinners than saints in this new world.

Remi:Yes, and I’m pretty sure I know which one you are.

I don’t have to say sinner. We both know.

Gage: You ready?

Remi:I guess. But will you please tell me how you plan on getting me?

Gage: Nope.


Gage: One last thing—if you come to me with bite marks or scratches, I’ll shoot you where you stand.

My gut twists, threatening to expel its contents.

It shouldn’t shock me that he would threaten me in such a way. That night, I’d seen what had happened to so many. They were cradling their arms with bite marks one minute and foaming at the mouth the next.

The line quiets, and I take a minute to gather my wits.

Today, I’m going to traverse a city full of…the dead…trying to find my way to…fuck…what do I call him? He’s not my Sugar Daddy because it’s not money he’s providing. Bullet Daddy? Nah. Shield Daddy?

I still can’t believe I’m going to have sex with him. Someone I’ve never met outside of playing phone tag for a few days.

He may get to claim my flesh, but I’ll never belong to him. Not all of me. In this crazy world of his, I might be his property, but I’ll always remember what it was like to be free.

But can I truly say I was ever free when I’ve always had someone providing for me? First my parents, then whoever put this damn closet together, and now…Gage?

Maybe one day, I’ll be on the other side of this and Gage will be a memory. Perhaps not even a bad one. Just a moment in time that was necessary.
