Page 35 of Brutal Bargain

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My body aches.

From my forehead right down to the balls of my feet.

Between my thighs especially.

I stretch, realizing that for the first time in months, I’m in an actual bed.

And then I remember. The streets. The old man. The ragers. Gage…

His invasive inspection followed by my desecration.

I’m his.

I belong to him.

I look around and find myself alone and naked in the bed he laid me in.

My sex aches.

A reminder of him.

He did say he was a monster.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, wobbling as I walk across the floor. I brush my teeth with the toiletries he’d left out for me and have another shower. Then I eat as I wait for him.

The worst part about it all wasn’t the sex. It was the confusion. The uncertainty. Not knowing how he’d treat me. Not knowing what the next day would look like.

Fortunately, Gage seems to be well-measured. Predictable. That fucked up inspection happened as it had for a reason. Because I could have been bitten or sick. Even him checking my sex had purpose.

He’s not going to kill me. He’ll fuck me again. My guess is a lot. But that wasn’t entirely bad…except for the fact that my wrists now have cuts in them from the bindings.

It was terrible. Or at least I tell myself it was. I’m still confused by it. By how it progressed. Gage was relentless, driving into me hard and fast and taking what he wanted.

But…he did uphold his end of the deal, and for as much as he complained about giving me an orgasm, he sure enjoyed watching me come.

The door opens, and Gage enters the room. His eyes find me. He frowns.

I continue eating because my head is a jumble of thoughts I don’t know how to string into meaningful sentences.

One thing I do notice, however, is that he doesn’t have any weapons on him. Which means he has other rooms he stores things in.

What if there are other women tucked away?

Suddenly, I feel sick.

He says nothing, disappearing into the bathroom for a stretch before coming back out, showered and dressed in a tight-fitting tee-shirt and gray sweatpants that do little to hide his obvious erection.

Will he want me again?

My clit comes to life in a throb, which is shocking considering how much I hate Gage.

“What happens now?” I ask.

“I fuck you.”

