Page 61 of Brutal Bargain

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Two Weeks Later

We’re not even at the Keep, and I am still kept.

Right where he wants you…

Each day, while I sleep, food is delivered, along with fresh clothes and books to keep me occupied.

Because you belong to him…

I don’t even try to stay up for him. I don’t want to see him.

I want nothing to do with him.

Or at least that’s what I tell myself.

He’ll kill you. Like he’s killed so many others…

As foul as he is, I doubt he ever would. He needs me.

When he first confessed his intentions, I wanted to kill him. Not that I could ever get the jump on a man like Gage.

Then he left me alone.

The door is still unlocked, though I never leave my room because the only thing that awaits me topside is death.

I tried to keep the rage burning. As if he’d care about my hate.

But as time passed, truths began to reveal themselves.

The more I thought about his actions, the more I understood them. The fact that he would have me traverse the city is atrocious, but he needed the mother of his children to be capable and able to survive. And while he lied about the bombs, he never lied about trying to get me pregnant. I was too overwhelmed to bring it up.

Of course, there’s the question of who’s in that room and why he’s being tortured, but I don’t care. It’s not my business Everything Gage does is with twisted logic, so while I might not agree with his methods, he has his reasons and I’m not in a position to be a hero.

Eventually, we’re going to have to talk. Come to some kind of understanding. Negotiate some truce.

I already know he cares little for my opinion of him, because to him, all I am in an incubator. Something to bear his children. He keeps me alive for that reason and that reason alone.

And I’m sure he thinks I’m doing so right now. But I’m not. I was late, but my period came, which I could use as leverage.

Or…I could leave. That would remove the possibility of getting pregnant and allow me to live out my time in this godforsaken world on my own terms.

Deep down, I don’t want to leave Gage. For some insane reason, I like him. And I’m not talking little feelings. My anger turned to frustration, and that led to soul searching.

He’s the monster I never knew I’d crave.

I know he’d never let harm come to me or any child we may have together. Heck, he’d probably brave hell to protect us. Sure, the majority of our time together was spent either arguing snarkily back and forth or having sex, but we could potentially evolve into something more. A team.

I laugh at my stupidity.

The lies we tell ourselves are amazing.

I’mnot safe around Gage. Our baby is. Which there is none of.

And by getting pregnant, which he will insist on, I’ll only become more beholden to him. More of a pet. What little independence I have will vanish. I’ll be his completely. There will be no ‘team’. There will be him and his rules.

It would be stupid to think there could be a happily ever after with Gage for me. Whatever this ‘Keep’ is, it can’t be good. Not if there are men like him in it. Not if women are possessions.
