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“I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

“I’m just really tired.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Wes gave him one more slap on his shoulder, then got back behind the wheel.

Chris made his way inside his house and leaned against the closed door, taking in the once-familiar surroundings. His house was nestled in the Hollywood Hills, encircled by lush greenery he could see through the windows. It wasn’t too huge of a place comparatively, although it was a perfect party house with a big pool you could step right into from the sliding door. It had a wide-open first floor that he could crowd as many people into as he wanted. Also, there was a stripper pole.

Yet looking at it now, he hated it.

Upstairs, he flopped on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He was home and all alone. Reaching for his cell phone, he opened his photos app and scrolled to his favorite picture.

It was from Luke’s birthday party back in October. Seemed like ages ago but still only yesterday. Seeing Bronte’s face lit up by the yellow reflections of the candle made his chest ache. He typed a short message to her, even though he knew she wouldn’t respond because it was the middle of the night there. I’m home. Miss you. Love you.

Thinking back on Bronte’s words from earlier, he Googled them.

“I have not broken your heart—you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine.”

Wuthering Heightsby Emily Brontë. He should have known.

* * *

Chris had been gonefor three days, and Bronte’s life had never felt so boring. Or maybe it always was; she just didn’t realize until he showed up. And now that he left, it was back to bland and boring again.

True to his word, Chris created a shared calendar so they could see each other’s schedules, but they’d only been able to speak on the phone twice since he’d landed in California. However, they were able to text as much as they wanted, and it eased the sting of his departure a tiny bit. She was still at work when she got another message from him. What are you up to?

Finishing up some emails.

You’re still at work?

She tapped out her response with a frown. With you not here anymore I have no reason to rush home.

If you rush home now we could have a FaceTime date. Naked.Then he sent a series of emojis, a bunny, lips, a couple of hearts, an eggplant, and a flower.

An eggplant? Is that your idea of dirty talk?

You know it.

She laughed as the bubble appeared to show he was typing.

How about it? You, me, and our screens?

I have class at the gym at five. She let out an impatient but indulgent laugh. The calendar was your idea. Have you even looked at it? How about 8? My time? She chewed on her lip, already excited to see his reaction to her new lace bra.

I’m going to dinner with some of the cast tonight. I’ve got to leave my place by 6, sooo

Sono naked date?She sighed. FILL OUT THE CALENDAR.

Don’t yell at me. I’m doing it right now.

She gave in to a smile. Might I remind you this was your idea.

I could call you when I get home but it’ll definitely be after 11 your time.

After briefly considering sending him the plane emoji to remind him of his offer to buy a jet—she was ready and willing to get on it—she typed OK and put her phone away. She had work to do and didn’t have time to wait around for his next flirty message to appear.

Chris said he was determined to make their relationship work, and she had to have faith they could. Although seventy-two hours into their long-distance relationship, she already hated it.

* * *
