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Though it was more than a few. It was almost an hour.

An hour of pacing. Of texting the girls. Of helping herself to hanging up clothes Chris had left in a pile on the floor. Of sorting through the stack of paperbacks next to the couch.

Then suddenly, the door swung open, and there he was, trying and failing to brush off those two women from set. Wes shoved his shoulder in between the platinum blonde and one of her tentacles. “Look who’s here!”

Chris literally shook the redhead off his arm as his dark eyes darted up inside the trailer. “Bronte?”

She waved, unsure what to do when those women wouldn’t let go of her boyfriend.

“Can you…please…” Chris hopped up onto the step, shaking his leg as if an amorous dog were attached, and reached for the door handle to close it.

“We have free time,” the redhead said, trying to sneak in.

“Ladies, if you’ll follow me, I can give you a tour of the lot,” Wes suggested, waving his arm behind him. “CJ needs time to prepare for tomorrow.”

When it was obvious their mission was a lost cause, they gave up with sad smiles. The blonde winked at Chris. “Maybe another time.”

He shut the door on them and huffed. “I don’t think so.” With a visible breath and shudder, he stepped up close to Bronte, tangling his fingers with hers. “Hi.”


“I can’t believe you’re here.” He swept his gaze over her face and body. “I’m so happy.”

“Are you?” she asked, peering at him through her heavy lashes.

“Of course,” he said, tugging at her slinky black tank top. “You look different.”

She blinked, running a single finger underneath one eye, feeling silly. “I…” She shook her head slightly. “They’re fake eyelashes.”

His eyes turned soft, his mouth easing into a smile, then combed his hands through her hair. “You got your hair cut. I like it.” His fingertips grazed her collarbone, below the new blunt slant of her hair. He ghosted his lips across her cheekbone and skimmed his nose along her neck. “You smell so good.”


His name came out of her mouth all breathy and not at all like she meant it.

“God, I missed your voice.” He placed a soft, wet kiss on her pulse and wrapped a hand around the nape of her neck, licking and nipping at her throat.

“Chris,” she said again, this time finding the wherewithal to move away from him.
