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She grinned. She liked being his anything, but if he wanted bold, she could do that too. She stripped off her clothes and cannonballed into the water. It was the perfect temperature.

They spent hours in the pool and lazily sunbathed the day away.

Still feeling bold later that night, Bronte found Chris flipping through a script and cleared her throat in the doorway to get his attention. He did a double take at her wearing one of his button-downs. It hit her just two or three inches below her hips, leaving nothing to the imagination.

“What are you doing?” he murmured, eyes tracking her movements.


She scampered away to the game room, where she plugged in her cell phone, hitting his playlist. As she’d planned, Chris followed her and stood in the middle of the room, breathing a little too hard for a guy who was so in shape.

Without words, she pushed him to sit down on the black suede sectional before strutting to the stripper pole. She had no clue what she was doing but assumed if she shimmied around enough, she’d get the point across. Turning her back to him, she took a deep breath to steel her nerves, then rolled her head and shoulders side to side, leaning into the rhythm.

She swiveled around to find Chris relaxed on the couch, his head back, arms spread wide along the tops of the cushions. He let out a wolf whistle, spurring her on to wrap her hands around the pole, grinding up and down. She tried every clichéd trick in the book, licking her lips and whipping her hair around. She thought she’d feel self-conscious, but instead, she felt powerful when Chris shifted in his seat, his hand covering his tented sweats.

She slowly unbuttoned the shirt and used it like a boa around her shoulders and hips then tossed it on Chris’s head. He held on to it, his eyes never leaving her body as she strutted back to the pole, this time arching her back against it. She closed her eyes, but a moment later opened them when she felt Chris come to stand in front of her.

Words weren’t needed, and he took her there, bent over and leaning against the pole.

“Quite a show you put on,” he said, as they sank down to the floor after they both finished.

“Tomorrow, it’s your turn to dance for me.”

He laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulders. “I had to move some stuff around so we could have the whole day to ourselves today. I know you’re only here for two more days, but I have a few hours on set tomorrow, and then Saturday, I’ve got a photo shoot. Are you okay to tag along?”

“Yes, of course. I finally get to experience a day in the life of CJ Cunningham.”

He kissed her temple. “My days aren’t really that exciting.”
