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"Sax, you're coming over tonight, right? Convince Attie he needs to! It won't be the same without you two. Besides, I've taken some of my brother's stash. It'll be fun," pleaded Jazzy, a sweet smile on her face. She knelt next to him on the couch, pleading with him.

I watched as Sax rolled his eyes at her, but I could see his devotion for her clear as day, probably because it mirrored my own. Jazzy sashayed over to me next, straddling my waist when she neared. Her chestnut waves trailed down her back, and her hazel eyes sparkled as she smiled at me.

"Come on, Attie." Jaz combed her fingers through my hair, tingles coursing through me and my cock hardening. Her breath fanned my face as she leaned in, her lips close as she spoke. "My brother and father will both be out of town for meetings. This party is going to be epic. We can be together in public for once. No one will know who we are. Just three kids enjoying themselves."

Jaz began to kiss my neck, and my arousal kicked up with each kiss she left. I found my hands tightening on her waist as I held myself back from rocking up into her.

"How much does it mean to you, Jaz?"

"So much," she breathed, biting my earlobe. My body involuntarily shuddered at her ministrations, and I soon found myself kissing her, never able to resist.

"Say, yes, Attie," she pleaded one more time. Staring deep into her eyes, I gave in to what she wanted. I always did. Jazmine Delgado was my first love, and I'd do anything for her. Even defy my father to be with her. Romeo and Juliet had nothing on us, and we were going to change the world together. Her fiery spirit had me saying yes. As I nodded, I heard Sax chuckle, knowing I'd give in. Her gleeful squeal filled the air, her hands wrapping around my neck, and I tackled her to the couch, finishing what she'd started as I rocked into her.

"Mas, wake up. Fucking hell, man."

A slap to my face woke me up as the sun streamed through the office blinds. I was sprawled out on the floor, my face stuck to a piece of paper, and my mouth dry. The noise and movement that had awakened me came into focus as I tried to wet my parched lips.

"Mas, get up. I'm too pissed at you to even try to carry your ass to the bathroom. You're going to have to do it yourself."

Sax's voice broke through the fog surrounding me, and I opened both eyes. Pushing up, I tried to gain my balance as the floor started to spin beneath me. A groan left me as I shut my eyes, willing the nausea to stop and the vomit to stay buried. I could not get sick right here. I could not.

"Jesus Christ."

Apparently, my lack of movement and pathetic state was irritating Sax. Though, it was more likely the ice out I'd done for the past, however many hours it was now, had left little sympathy for me. Peeking up at him, my plea appeared to work. He grunted and lifted me under my armpits, heaving me up. The movement was quick, and I had to slam my eyes shut hard to stop the room from the tilt it was currently set to.

"Sax, I'm sorry. I was trying to protect everyone," I slurred.

"Sorry to break it to you, pal, you're not protecting anyone in this state. Come on. I'm only helping because I don't want Immy seeing you like this."

He carried me to the bathroom attached to my office, my feet not cooperating with the direction. Sax leaned me up against the counter before he opened the glass door and turned on the shower. Before I could undress, I was hauled into the ice-cold shower, effectively waking me right the fuck up.

"Fuck! What the hell, man?"

Spluttering water out of my mouth, I tried to get out from under the spray, but the strong arm kept me pinned there. Cussing him every name, he didn't relent. Eventually, I was fully awake, shivering from the cold water, and Sax let me go. Pushing him aside, I stepped out of the shower, dripping water as I went.

Swiveling, I turned my anger toward him. "You have no right! I'm the fucking boss. I should have you beat for that," I seethed.

Sax glared at me, rolling his eyes as he made his way out, offering me no words. With shaky fingers, I unbuttoned my shirt and wadded it up into a ball. Flinging it at his back, I felt some satisfaction as the splat hit him squarely. Sax's tall frame had been a disadvantage to him in this situation.

He turned slowly, a glower on his face, but it had no effect on me. He didn't scare me. I was my own enemy here. My rage intensified, and I found myself having a standoff in my dripping wet, eight hundred dollar pants.

"You crossed a line."

"I crossed a line? Me? That's rich coming from you, Mas. You've done nothing but block me out since Friday evening. You got fucking engaged, and I was the last to know. Our brotherhood used to mean something, but these past three days, it's meant shit. You did that. You. So take your sorry ass excuses and man the fuck up. I might not be in your inner circle anymore, but I was still number two last I checked. So get yourself dressed and ready. We have a family meeting in an hour."

Sax's words struck me square in the chest and the hard exterior I'd been holding around me finally cracked and splintered all over the floor. He turned to leave, wanting nothing to do with me, and I didn't blame him. In my attempts to save everyone, I'd done the one thing we said we'd never do. Keep shit hidden from one another.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

At my confession, he paused in the doorway. Sax didn't turn around, but he also didn't leave. Taking it as the olive branch I needed, I told him everything.

"When we got back from lunch, there was an envelope on my desk. It was a picture from our outing and had a bullseye around Loren's face. I panicked, okay? I thought if I pushed her way, made it known she wasn't anyone important, then she would be safe. I thought I was doing the right thing. I knew I couldn't tell you, though. You'd see through the lie, and I had to make everyone believe. I had to, Sax. I had to."

Tears I hadn't felt in years came to the surface, but I pushed them back down. I was the fucking boss. I didn't cry. Sax had tensed at my words, but with each spoken word, he'd softened and slowly began to turn.

"This isn't all about that, though, is it? What else are you keeping from me, Mas?'

Sax didn't sound angry anymore. His voice was filled with exhaustion and mostly pain. I'd done that. I'd selfishly pushed him away in an attempt to be the hero. My own need to protect someone after my epic failures resulted in me hurting my best friend. That wasn't fair to him. Sax had always stood by my side. My failures and successes were also his.
