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"A week…"

My breath caught in my throat, and anxiety began to rise as the heart monitor beeped incessantly. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I knew it was because of a panic attack, but all I could focus on was how long it had been. Almost a week.

A nurse entered a few seconds later and inserted something into my IV. Consciousness and voices floated around me, and I soon found myself back in a peaceful state of darkness. It was calm and soothing as I drifted along, and I decided to hide here for a while. I'd thought facing things was the wiser choice, but when my present was worse than my nightmare, what was the point?

In the dark recesses of my mind, I fell into the arms of sexy men with delicious voices and steamy words that made me forget everything else. Their faces swirled around me, and in my dream, I didn't have to choose. I was cherished by them all, and jealousy didn't exist in the land of make believe. I indulged in their embraces and forgot about everything outside of me that brought me pain.

* * *

Consciousness flitted in and out,and my subconsciousness screamed at me to wake up, to stop hiding, and to remember. I didn't know what I was supposed to remember. I just knew it was better here in this place where I didn't have to worry or think. Here, I was free.

Though something about that didn't feel right, and after a while, I couldn't ignore it any longer. The despair and heartache were too much, and I wouldn't let myself hide. This time when I woke, I was prepared for what awaited me. Thankfully, my room appeared empty, and I prayed my last guests had taken the hint and left.

The faint smell of my mother's perfume that still lingered in the air didn't give me a lot of confidence.

I stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking through everything this time, trying to gather myself so I wasn't as disoriented. I knew I had a brain injury and a broken wrist. There were some other injuries as well, but I couldn't recall them. Based on my body, it felt bruised and battered, but nothing else felt broken. I couldn't feel any other casts, at least.

A nurse entered a while later, surprised to find me awake, her startled gasp drawing my attention.

"Mrs. Carter! How are you? Do you need anything?"

I assumed my voice was still raw, the ache still noticeable in my throat, so I'd been thinking over what I could use my limited words for. "Phone?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Carter. There wasn't one on you or with your possessions. It was probably damaged in the explosion. Can I bring you anything else? Do you have someone you want me to call?"

Her question brought an idea to me. Nodding, I mimed writing, and she seemed to understand as she quickly exited the room and returned a second later with ice chips and a paper pad. This woman was a Goddess. Clipping the pen from her scrub top, she handed them to me.

It was challenging to write with my left hand, but I managed to get out two words before giving up.

Ignite. Mitzi.

The nurse glanced at the two words before looking at me in question. "I don't understand. Is Ignite a code word?"

I shook my head no, and she thought about it more, asking me several in a row this time. "Is it what happened? A person? A place?"

At my nod of approval, a smile broke on her face, excited to figure out my clue. She pulled out her phone and started to google the word. She showed me the list as she began to scroll through it.

Ignite Gaming

Ignite Chicago Walk

Ignite Talks

Ignite Youth Center, Non-For Profit

At the center, I eagerly pointed at it, wanting her to click on it.

"This is the place you want me to call and ask for, Mitzi?" she clarified. At my nod again, she smiled and clicked on the number listed on the website. It felt as if I'd waited a hundred years for the phone to ring and connect.

"Hello, yes, I was wondering if I could speak with Mitzi? Uh-huh, I see. I have a patient here that's needing to get in contact with her. Do you have a different number I could reach her at? Yes, I understand. Can I give you my number and you have her call me? It's in regards to Loren Carter. Yes, thank you for your assistance," she stated before hanging up the phone. "Well, she was a delight."

Her comment caused a laugh to bubble up in agreement. The front desk girl was a nightmare. I prayed Mitzi would get my message. It was my best chance at finding what happened to Jude. I didn't have a good feeling, and I didn't want him to suffer any longer than necessary. He was my first priority at the moment. Everything else could wait.

"I need to make my rounds, but if she gives the message," she stopped, glancing down at the vibrating phone. "Well, I guess she's more helpful than she sounds," she mumbled before answering. "Hello, this is April. Yes, is this Mitzi? Oh, wonderful. I wasn't sure if you would get the message. I'm a nurse at Chicago Hospital, and a patient of mine requested to get in touch with you. Yes, Loren Carter. She isn't able to speak, but she might be able to get a few words out. Would you like to talk to her? Okay, I'll put her on."

She handed me the phone, and I eagerly brought it to my ear, "Hello?" I croaked. The nurse brought up some water, and after a good drink, it felt better.

"Loren? Oh, my sweet girl. It's so good to hear from you. I've been so worried. How are you? Do you need anything? How can I help?"
