Page 53 of Devoted

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Shock steals over my fear. He set it up. Roman was meticulous and calculated about how he handled my actions. I had only one question. “Then why are you here? I would think this is too much effort for you.”

Roman looks at his watch as if we’re taking too much of his precious time. “I had to be seen in the area. A husband going after his wife.” He spreads his hands out as if what he says next is obvious. “Which is what drove your lover to kill you.”

That’s why he’s dressed the way he is.

We didn’t exactly play into Roman’s hand, but this scenario would work way better for him. It’s like we did all the planning for him. He’s so fucking smooth, my irritation ramps up. “That two hundred million must really be going toward something important if you’re willing to kill at least two people to get it.” With a neutral tone, I add, “I mean, you killed your first wife for free.”

His expression turns to stone. A red flush creeps up his neck. “You know nothing about what happened to Raina.”

“I suspect she figured out you’re trafficking women and she confronted you.” His thunderous expression can’t hide the pain in his eyes. “You might not have meant to kill her, but it worked in your favor.”

Murder lives in Roman’s gaze. He speaks as if everything I said about his first wife is inconsequential. “Here’s what’s going to happen. Tony’s going to shoot you with your boyfriend’s gun. And then he’s going to shoot your boyfriend with the same gun. And then my time dealing with an insolent, immature, spoiled little rich girl is over.”

“What a coincidence. My time with a homicidal, emotionless statue of a cold, rich bastard for a husband will be over.” I know I’m about to die, and I can’t believe how much I’m running my mouth. I’ve never been more scared, but speaking to Roman without inhibitions is intoxicating.

Roman gives me a pitying look. “I could almost believe there’s actually a brain in that pretty little head.” He nods at Tony. “Take her to a believable spot in the house and do it.”

“Do what you gotta do, swan,” Cannon says.

“Shut the fuck up.” That comes from Mick.

Tony grabs my upper arm. His fingers dig into my biceps as he tows me into the house. I’m going to have his handprint on my skin. If I’m alive long enough to bruise.

Do what you gotta do.I’m unarmed. Tony has a gun. He has Cannon’s gun.

Think. I have a brain in my pretty little head, but these guys don’t believe it.

What would Cannon do?

As Tony tries to drag me up the stairs, I resist, panic welling in my throat.

He crushes muscle against bone as he jerks me behind him. He spots the studio. “Even better.”

It is perfect. Now that Cannon’s story is out, my murder in the studio would only add poetic justice to the situation of a cheating wife and her child prodigy boyfriend.

I don’t waste my energy looking around. I know what Cannon’s house looks like. I inspect Tony in the few seconds before we reach the studio. He’s dressed like Roman, only he’s got boots on instead of loafers. There’s an empty gun holster clipped to his belt for the gun he’d taken from Cannon during my earlier “rescue.” A black-handled hunting knife is strapped to his thigh.

Even after my limited training, the sight of the knife almost makes me freeze. I can’t take my gaze off it. Mine is upstairs on the counter where I easily grabbed it before I practiced with Cannon in the backyard. I didn’t think to pack it, so it does me no good. But this knife is within my reach.

He crosses the threshold into the studio. I twist and yank his knife out. As I bring it up, I slice across his abdomen. The blade jerks on his waistband and catches in the material. He shouts and automatically releases me. I jam the blade into his gut, all the way to the hilt.

I let out my own scream and jerk my hand away. I just stabbed someone. And he’s still standing, his expression shocked.

I sprint for the bathroom and slam the door. My fingers fumble on the locking mechanism. The window Tony used to get into the house is hanging open. I pull myself through and take off across the yard toward the trees.

The best thing I can do is to get someplace where they can’t find me so Cannon can save himself. I have to get somewhere he’ll know to find me. There’s only one place.


“She got away!”Tony’s strangled shout comes from the house.

The second Mick turns his head to see what the problem is, I lunge. Knocking his gun into the air, I keep going, tackling him to the floor. A gunshot rings out in the garage, but he doesn’t drop the weapon.

Mick slams a fist into my side. I grunt, but I’m more concerned about getting the gun out of his other hand. I slam his arm into the concrete floor while keeping my knee in his gut. He’s waling on my side, and it’s almost enough to topple me off.

I backhand him with a fist across his face. His head rebounds off the hard floor. The blow saps enough energy from him that I can wrestle the gun free. I try to leap off him, but he wraps his arms around my leg.

Off balance, I fall to the side. Before I hit, I twist and slam a heel into the middle of his chest. The air rushes out of him and gets sucked back in with a hard wheeze. His mouth gapes open as his collarbone rises and falls, like he’s trying to take another breath but can’t.
