Page 19 of Devastated

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The idea that having a bodyguard is more necessary than I thought sinks in. Can someone who’s after me be that stealthy? So good that I wouldn’t know until it’s too late? Anxiety churns in my gut. Am I making a mistake keeping the studio open?

Elsa’s murmuring to him, but his focused gaze is on me. I can’t tell what he’s thinking, and I’m envious that it seems effortless for him. The muscles in my face are tired from trying to maintain a serene expression.

Pierre exits the office and does an elegant bow. “I’m ready for the rest of the story.” He’s seen Cannon before when I took London and Jacobi out dancing, but the Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts aren’t like the athletic wear usually seen in the studio.

“This is Cannon. He and Elsa work together, and they’re going to be my bodyguards until I get this sorted.” I tell Pierre the story. I hate to worry him, but he’s not one of the students. He’s been with me since I competed in high school. He gasps when I say the word stalker. He covers his mouth when I tell him what really happened at the studio, but his face goes stony at the news of the divorce.

“I can’t say I’m sorry to hear the news, Penni.” He grabs my hands. “Please know I’m here for you.”

I squeeze him back, absorbing the support he’s offered over the years. “If I think for one second any of this might spill over onto you or the school, I’ll close the doors. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

He pulls me in for a hug. He’s all lean muscle and hard bone, but his embrace is the comfort I need. “We can teach in the alley for all I care. Doing what I love has been a gift you’ve helped give. Ride or die, Penni. Myles and I will be there for you no matter what. You can even stay with us if you have problems with Ms. Brittany.”

Pierre was my partner before Juan Pablo. When Mother cut me off, he had to find someone else, but he doesn’t compete anymore. He dreads the travel and jet lag, and, like me, he’s happiest teaching.

I smile against his fitted top. I can’t stay with him, and we both know it. He and Myles live in a one-bedroom villa with a small office. There’s no room for me, but I appreciate the offer.

He spins and clasps Cannon’s hand. I tense, waiting for Cannon to pull back and sneer. Pierre can be a touchy-feely guy. When he made the same move with Roman, disgust curled my husband’s mouth, and he nearly threw Pierre’s hand back at him.

Cannon stays as relaxed as he was before and meets Pierre’s determined gaze.

“Thank you so much for helping my Penni.” Pierre drops Cannon’s hand and moves to Elsa. “Thank you.”

Cannon’s expression doesn’t change. “Don’t mention it. You see or hear anything unusual, don’t hesitate to bring it to our attention.”

“Absolutely. You’re trained, I assume?” Pierre might seem like a stiff wind can blow him over, but he hasn’t survived LA and dance competitions by being oblivious.

“I’ve done several protection details. None quite like this, but the basics are the same.”

It’s the right thing for Pierre. He switches his attention to me. “I’ll tell no one but Myles.” He mimics zipping his lips and tossing the key.

“I trust you.” With a final hug, Pierre leaves. As the studio empties out, my trepidation climbs higher.

I will Elsa to stay. I’ll be alone with Cannon for the first time ever if she doesn’t. It’ll make the reality of this arrangement sink in.

Cannon confers with Elsa. There’s nothing in their body language that suggests they’re lovers. London said she didn’t think the two have that kind of relationship. I can’t imagine working that closely with him and getting close enough to—

I have no business letting my mind go further.

Awareness tingles over my skin. I look up and meet his hooded blue gaze. I suppress a shiver and circle around him and Elsa to go into my office. I have practice tonight, but Elsa’s sticking around to meet Juan Pablo and then tagging along to my mother’s place to be introduced before she goes home for the night.

Elsa continues updating him on everything she learned about the other stores in the strip mall. The shoe place is next door, and the original owner is a friend of mine. He still makes custom shoes for me, and I’ll hold out until he retires before I try someone else, and that person will be only on his recommendation. The largest space is an eye clinic with a trendy frame shop, and on the opposite side of the parking lot is a pizza place that tempts me during competition season and a frozen yogurt specialty shop that carries lactose-free and organic yogurt. Not exactly businesses that raise suspicions or carry a steady level of drama.

I sink into my secondhand office chair. I hope my situation doesn’t affect my neighbors. This is far enough from Bel Air that it’d be hard to recover from a setback. We’re businesses that survive quarter to quarter.

I call Juan Pablo and tell him about the situation so Elsa and Cannon don’t startle him. A baby cries in the background but I keep talking. There’s been a baby crying in the background of Juan Pablo’s calls for three years. His fatherhood has made us work efficiently. When we practice, we’re present. We don’t mess around; we don’t have time.

He’s understanding, as I knew he would be. I hang up and work on invoices, forgetting for several precious minutes that I’m someone who needs a couple of bodyguards in the studio until Cannon steps into the office. I suck in a startled breath. The door whispers a squeak, and his athletic shoes are quiet on the floor. He’s barely made a sound all day on the hardwood dance floor. For that matter, he’s just as quiet on the old linoleum in the office and the hallways. Everywhere.

“Were you trained to move so quietly in the military?” I ask, dropping my gaze back to the invoice on my screen.

“Are you asking if they taught me how to walk?”

His tone is light. Did he make a joke? I would smile if I didn’t get the impression he’s being evasive. This isn’t a friendship. He’s doing this job only because his friend asked him to. “Juan Pablo will be here in a few minutes.”

“He’s here, but he’s sitting in his car on his phone.”

“It’s his alone time. He’s a stay-at-home dad.” My words come out defensive. Is Cannon suspicious of my partner? Juan Pablo has ten thousand better things to do than stalk someone.
